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Work Background
AI & Data Science Partner
WillowTreeAI & Data Science Partner
Sep. 2022São Paulo, BrazilI lead a team of 60+ talented engineers and scientists spread across offices in São Paulo, Porto Alegre, Charlotesville, Miami, Vancouver, and Lisbon. Willowtree is a TELUS International company.
AI & Data Science Partner
PoatekAI & Data Science Partner
Sep. 2022São Paulo, BrazilPoatek was acquired by Willowtree in 2021. Both companies are now part of TELUS International.
Jul. 2020São Paulo, BrazilMaChiron is a dentaltech focusing on developing next gen machine learning techniques for diagnostic imaging.
Boston Consulting Group (BCG)Advisor
Feb. 2018 - Jul. 2021São Paulo, São PauloI helped BCG launch BCG Gamma in Latin America and served as an ad hoc expert for projects involving machine learning applications.
Chief Data Scientist (Director of Data Science)
Experian DataLabsChief Data Scientist (Director of Data Science)
Aug. 2016 - Aug. 2022São Paulo Area, BrazilI was a co-founder of Experian's Latin American R&D laboratory, where my responsibilities included understanding and translating business needs into algorithmic solutions, setting research goals, identifying and developing new use cases, hiring, organizing, and supervising research and innovation teams, promoting and developing cutting-edge knowledge on applied machine learning, proposing and monitoring projects, establishing quality and performance metrics, reviewing the performance of teams and their members, technically supervising multiple simultaneous projects, providing technical expertise throughout the company and in the media, establishing relationships with clients and throughout the company, and acting as an individual contributor on ad hoc projects.
Associate Professor of Applied Mathematics
Universidade de São PauloAssociate Professor of Applied Mathematics
Apr. 2016São PauloI have co-authored 40 papers and 2 book chapters. Currently, my research focuses on the foundations and applications of machine learning techniques, specifically the information-theoretic analysis of the learning process, feature engineering techniques, and reinforcement learning for optimal control. I have experience teaching courses on scientific computing, complex systems modeling, evolutionary dynamics, financial risk modeling, data analysis, and machine learning. I am affiliated with the Physics, Statistics, and Applied Mathematics graduate programs at the University of São Paulo, where I have supervised 16 MSc students and 6 PhD students so far.
Assistant Professor of Applied Mathematics
Universidade de São PauloAssistant Professor of Applied Mathematics
Nov. 2010 - Apr. 2016
Mar. 2006Sao Paulo, BrazilWe provide expert advice on quantitative methods and machine learning applications. Our clients have been companies from information and financial services, training and education, health and construction industries, energy and pharmaceutical sectors.
FIPECAFI - Fundação Instituto de Pesquisas Contábeis, Atuariais e FinanceirasLecturer
Jan. 2006 - Jan. 2010São Paulo Area, BrazilLectured Risk Modeling at the MBA in Finance and Risk
Assistant Professor of Complex Systems
Universidade de São PauloAssistant Professor of Complex Systems
Feb. 2005 - Nov. 2010My research focused on opinion dynamics, cultural evolution, the evolution of cooperation, statistical mechanics of economic systems, and behavioral finance. I have experience teaching courses on statistics, complex systems, introductory economics, quantitative methods for management, and financial risk modeling. Additionally, I created a master's program in complex systems and proposed a BSc program in financial physics that was approved at the IFT-UNESP but was never implemented.
Calevi PWDCo-Founder
Apr. 2003 - Feb. 2006São Paulo, BrazilCalevi PWD was dedicated to the application of machine learning to algorithmic trading.
Jan. 2003 - Jan. 2006São Paulo Area, BrazilLectured Risk Modeling at the MBA on Mathematical Modeling of Financial Markets
Risk Manager
Itaú UnibancoRisk Manager
Feb. 2001 - Mar. 2003São Paulo, São Paulo, BrazilManaged a team of six quantitative analysts in charge of developing and validating pricing, market risk, derivatives credit exposure, liquidity and operational risk models.
Instituição de Ensino FIPELecturer
Jan. 2001 - Jan. 2007São Paulo Area, BrazilLectured Financial Risks at the MSc programme in Quantitative Modeling of Financial Markets.
Engenne Novel Computing ParadigmsCo-Founder
Feb. 2000 - Apr. 2003São Paulo, BrazilStartup incubated at CIETEC dedicated to recycling obsolete computing power by building beowulf clusters and offering consulting on business computational problems.
Electronics Technician
TektronixElectronics Technician
Mar. 1989 - Jul. 1990São Paulo Area, BrazilRepairing plotters, inkjet printers and series 4200 graphic terminals.
Brazil AerospaceCo-Founder
Jan. 1987 - Jul. 1991São Paulo, BrazilBrazil Aerospace was a small educational model rocket manufacturer founded by a group of three high school friends. The company focused on providing rocket science educational resources, such as educational kits and rocket science training, to high schools.
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