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Network Power<100 people
Business Owner
Work Background
DevOps Engineer
PythianDevOps Engineer
Apr. 2022 - Mar. 2023
Mar. 2022 - Apr. 2022São Paulo, Brasil
Jan. 2021 - Jan. 2022São Paulo, SP, Brasil
C6 BankSRE
May. 2019 - Jan. 2021São Paulo, Brasil
Cloud Tech Lead
Stone PagamentosCloud Tech Lead
May. 2018 - May. 2019Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro
Automation Cloud Specialist
ItaúAutomation Cloud Specialist
Apr. 2017 - May. 2018São Paulo e Região, BrasilMember of the Cloud Architecture team. Among its activities are: - Draw the new roles to Architecture and Engineering team. - Build and apply patterns to design of new products and projects. - Insert tools to continuous delivery and continuous integration, like Gitlab CI and Jenkins. - Work side by side with the development teams and IT Operations. - Help to build tools and environments to improve the software delivery. - Write design guidelines to developers and operations teams. - Insert the automation and metrics culture and tools to operations team like Puppet, Elasticsearch, Logstash, Grafana. - Build business metric tools. - Help to decision the best technologies to resolve given problems.
Infrastructure Specialist
FS CompanyInfrastructure Specialist
Mar. 2015 - Apr. 2017São Paulo Area, Brazil
Infrastructure Architect
Porto SeguroInfrastructure Architect
Apr. 2014 - Mar. 2015São Paulo Area, Brazil- Responsável pela arquitetura e execução de projetos envolvendo ambientes físicos e virtuais, utilizando Red Hat Linux e VMware. - Tunning e Herdening de sistemas operacionais Red Hat para aplicações e bancos de dados. - Gestão de Requisição de mudanças e chamados para TI baseado em processos ITIL. - Execução de checklist e instalação de softwares padrão para passagem do projeto para ambientes de Produção, Homologação e testes. - Criação de documentações de servidores e atualizações em CMDB.
Senior Linux Consultant
BullSenior Linux Consultant
Aug. 2012 - Dec. 2013São Paulo e Região, Brasil
Senior System Administrator of Infrastructure and Datacenter
Oi InternetSenior System Administrator of Infrastructure and Datacenter
Apr. 2012 - Aug. 2012São Paulo e Região, BrasilIn charge of consolidate the iG Billing infrastructure, including more than 30 web application components ensuring reliability and fault-tolerant architecture; - Designed infrastructure for high traffic websites like:,,,,;
Senior System Administrator Linux
iG - Internet Group do Brasil S/ASenior System Administrator Linux
Dec. 2008 - Apr. 2012São Paulo e Região, BrasilSupport and keep up and running more than 2000 servers (virtual and bare metal servers). Migrated and consolidated 3 data centers with more than 1500 servers. - Support third level applications in production; - re-design infrastructure, tuning and troubleshooting;
Linux System Administrator
OPIT TECNOLOGIALinux System Administrator
Sep. 2008 - Dec. 2008São Paulo Area, Brazil
Linux System Administrator
SolvoLinux System Administrator
Apr. 2008 - Sep. 2008São Paulo Area, Brazil
Linux Support Analyst
TecnohelpLinux Support Analyst
Feb. 2006 - Apr. 2008Florianópolis Area, Brazil
Suporte Call Center
Internet by SercomtelSuporte Call Center
Jan. 2000 - Dec. 2001


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Personal Pitch
Versatile DevOps Engineer: AWS, GCP, Azure & Infra as Code Tools Expert
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