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Work Background
Scala / Spark Developer
decide4AI (en casa 🏑)Scala / Spark Developer
Mar. 2020 - Jul. 2020Community of Madrid, SpainDesign and implementation of batch & streaming data transformation processes using Apache Spark and the Scala programming language
Indipreneur - Founder of chatcampaigner.com
My ownIndipreneur - Founder of chatcampaigner.com
Aug. 2019 - Oct. 2020I've founded Chat Campaigner (chatcampaigner.com), an online service that brings the power of chatbots, the Facebook / Instagram ads ecosystem and AI to the E-Commerce sector. I've brought this project to life completely on my own: from market research and product design to implementation, and everything in between (finance, web design and development, marketing and sales process definition and implementation; even a bot to support visitors on the website!). This is one of the first chatbot based marketing agencies in Europe. Do you have an E-Commerce that is not doing well? Have a look at our website and let's see what we can do for you!
Career break
On hold at this time until further noticeCareer break
Apr. 2019 - Jul. 2019Taking care of important personal matters.
Senior Software Engineer (contractor)
Teavaro LimitedSenior Software Engineer (contractor)
Jul. 2018 - Mar. 2019RemoteWorking along with the Teavaro technical team, I participate in the architectural design, maintenance and evolution of the Teavaro Digital Marketing Platform writing (as usual) Scala code. In order to help devs in understanding the complex business domain and express it in clean code even readable by business stakeholders (as it we want it to speak the business language and look pretty much like pseudocode at the highest levels of abstraction) we are borrowing some DDD concepts, such us ubiquitous language and bounded contexts; and also techniques, such as context mapping. As code design principles we stick to a ports and adapters high level architecture, with different compilation units and compile time dependencies for each of those. The core module we are working on is pure functional, making extensive use of the finally tagless encoding to represent effects as values in an abstract way. For the interpretation, we tend to use the cats-effects arsenal, using intermediate compilation layers to inject dependencies using the reader monad when required. We also religiously follow the "make illegal states unrepresentable" principle using the Scala type system to encode business semantics into types as much as the language allows us to do so. We tend to replace if expressions (we don't use if as an statement at all) with type classes for cleaner design and code extensibility. We use monads all over the place to tell apart error conditions (and short-circuit computations) without polluting our code with defensive programming dirt. We use an applicative style instead not only for validation but also to express complex execution flows that involve interaction with third party systems to separate the description of those flows from it's implementations details (for example concurrency management). We leverage functional programming to the max we are capable of to solve complex problems in a way we can easily (and locally) reason about. And we learn on the go as required.
Software Engineer (Scala)
CllucSoftware Engineer (Scala)
Apr. 2017 - Jun. 2018Madrid Area, SpainAs part of a really talented crew we use Scala and perform somewhat as full stack engineers in order to bring Blockchain technology to the masses. How? Making it simple and usable as mobile Apps have got us used to do things nowadays in the digital world. Among our toys we have: Play framework (with Silhouette), Postgres, Terraform, Ansible, Scala (with cats) and Parity as Ethereum client.
Senior Scala Engineer
GeenySenior Scala Engineer
Jan. 2017 - Apr. 2017Berlin Area, GermanyAs part of a large team of really talented people, I leverage the power of functional and reactive programming to bring the Internet Of Things closer to it's users. Some of our toys: Scala, akka, AWS, Docker, Terraform, Mesos, Marathon, node.js and Play Framework. Disclaimer: I haven't played with them all in this position.
Scala engineer in personal projects
Self employedScala engineer in personal projects
Sep. 2016 - Jan. 2017Madrid Area, SpainCoding in Scala for fun and profit. Working on a proof of concept that might eventually become an actual company, I'm also looking for a new part / full time Scala position (contract or permanent) in Madrid or northern Europe. In the meantime I have lots of fun solving coding puzzles in a functional way (see my github account for details).
Lead Architect / Scala developer
Gennion SolutionsLead Architect / Scala developer
Jun. 2015 - Sep. 2016Madrid Area, SpainAs en engineer with also an architect role my goal at Gennion is to strive for the best possible architectural design and implementation of our smart spaces services platform. We leverage the power of a distributed microservices design, reactive technology and functional programming to give our clients outstanding business intelligence on their Big / fast Data Streams. My key activities: * Find out with the rest of the technical team the best architectural design and technological stack to build an scalable and performant solution for all our clients. * Provide the analytics team with the infrastructure and APIs they need to improve the actionable information and insights we get from our devices data. * Play a key role to adopt a devops approach in our team. Design and implement the required elements to build, test and deploy our services into a Kubernetes cluster using Docker containers; and operate those in production. * Design and implement the continuous integration / continuous deployment pipeline to be used from the very first iteration of our software development process. We don't want to start coding without having all the tools needed to automatically build, test and deploy our code to any environment. * Write code to let the magic happen. Be one of the main contributors of the production codebase. The tools we are using for that (to name a few): Java, Scala, Akka, RabbitMQ, MongoDB, Docker, Kubernetes, Google Cloud Platform and our talent and imagination.
Senior Software Engineer
Packlink.esSenior Software Engineer
Jul. 2014 - Jun. 2015Madrid Area, SpainAs part of a team of engineers, we go very agile and reactive working on a distributed, cloud based, micro-services oriented back end with Java 8, Scala, Spring Framework, public clouds, Docker containers, a continuous integration pipeline, and a whole bunch of other funny toys (including Nerf guns).
Senior Software Engineer
TAPTAP Networks SpainSenior Software Engineer
Aug. 2013 - Jul. 2014Madrid Area, SpainAs an engineer in a product focused startup I work both in bug fixing and new features development on a real time SaaS advertisement platform. Our goal is to be able to deliver appropriate responses to our consumers in real time. For that purpose we use technologies such us Node.js, Storm, Hadoop, MongoDB and Redis. We try to tease Big Data sources in a way that no matter how much traffic we get, we scale and keep on delivering value on real time. We are eager to apply Machine Learning algorithms to our growing data set to make better decisions. We also are keen to develop new projects and features in a continuous fashion following the directions given by the market and our customers. In everyday life we enjoy adopting best practices and learning from others through weekly internal tech talks.
Software Developer and agile coacher
Paradigma DigitalSoftware Developer and agile coacher
Jul. 2008 - Aug. 2013Working both in web and desktop development projetcs, I've been involved in analysis, coding and agile dynamics leadership both under Scrum and Kanban. Using TDD (Test Driven Development) and an agile approach we've been using for web applications MVC architectures built upon Spring/Hibernate tandem with JSPs and jquery/GWT for the richest part at view side . I've also developed Groovy/Grails based web applications. In the desktop side I've worked as agile leader and Java Developer in a project under the Eclipse platform technologies and OSGi architecture.
Java/J2EE architect, analyst and developer
Grupo SMSJava/J2EE architect, analyst and developer
Jun. 2005 - Jul. 2008I've worked in development of a J2EE Healthcare ERP system, based on String MVC, Spring/Hibernate and velocity. One of my duties was giving support and mentoring for the developers team (including courses and learning examples for them).
Java/J2EE Developer and analyst
Sopra GroupJava/J2EE Developer and analyst
Aug. 2000 - Jun. 2005MadridI've worked developing Java/J2EE systems for banking and insurance sector. Also i've worked as a professor of Java/J2EE, OOP and UML in several courses for some clients.


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