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Founders ClubMembro Prime
Nov. 2024BrasilUm clube exclusivo para fundadores de startups com foco em educação e relacionamento, voltado para empreendedores que buscam conhecimento para superar desafios
Business Unit Director
ViveoBusiness Unit Director
Nov. 2022 - May. 2024São Paulo, BrazilIn charge of healthcare portfolio: driving from strategic business guidelines up to complete operational planning (BP 360o) to achieve 5x business size in 3Y (2022-2026). P&L role’24 ~R$ 200mio annually: full P&L responsibility linked to own-budget management (control costs and budget efficiency). Key achievements: • Sustainable business plan focused on speedy growth ~100% in Y1 (14-15 mio monthly) +20% real profits. • Dedicated BU: 30 exclusive professionals and 4 expert leaders as direct report - strategic integration from senior employees coming from different corporate business areas associated to optimized resources to reaching high efficiency level implementation. • Strategic customer business plan management, costs and budget controlling, cross-functional action plan, accurately forecasting and constantly business performance review with VPs and CEO. • Single Operational Business by March´23 (spin-off) - after 9 months from spin-off, Clinical Nutrition BU has achieved the most growth for entire BU Viveo group – YTD’24 +95% sales revenue, +50% customers coverage increase (>1800 customers at pipeline) and it has assumed the dealer’s leadership at the nutritional therapy segment with 23% SoM.
Fundador | CEO
RAE - Nutrição Estratégica EmpresarialFundador | CEO
Mar. 2022São Paulo, BrazilFounder of Healthtech startup focused on strategic clinical nutrition services (B2B|B2C) – business set up with nutritional services designated to sustainable weight loss based on an exclusive methodology to effectively promote metabolic reprogramming. Key achievements: • Complete corporate Business deployment planning in 5 months. • Operational Processes Guideline in 2 months. • Long Term Strategic Business Plan starting by 2022/2023; Business Breakeven estimated to 2025/2026 and ROI from 2027/2028. • Actual investments: bootstrapping – no shareholders yet • 100% under General Managing | pivotal roles – commercial strategies and new partnership opportunities focused on hardly revenue management | performance business management.
Business Unit Head
B. Braun MedicalBusiness Unit Head
Dec. 2018 - Apr. 2022São Paulo, São Paulo, BrazilResponsible for Healthcare Business Units management besides macro-strategy definition up to complete business deployment: from marketing plans to operational planning implementation (360o business plan). Full BU P&L management: Providing budget efficiency focused on revenue management | performance management. Success plan approaching Project management (PMI) as strategical focus resource. Key achievements: • Prepared a sustainable business plan with mapped results to make a "Business Turn Around" in Clinical Nutrition BU (high value-added) in medium and long term deadline (3Y), increasing R$ 13 mio in revenue and R$ 2mio on marginal contribution in 2 years. • Structured a new Oncology Business Unit for BBRAUN BRASIL (global flagship), aiming to expand besides adding value to portfolio, upgrading corporate expertise, BBraun Brand awareness in a promising market segment (Oncology – the biggest market growth opportunities in Brazil), achieving the highest performance sales at Company, increasing the topline results at R$ 30 mio with R$ ˜15 mio direct on GPS. • Revamped the traditional business unit and global reference in german surgical assets (luxury brand: AESCULAP) – pre-established Global Guideline, during pandemic peak increasing the topline at R$ 10 million in 12 months.
Marketing Manager
Merck GroupMarketing Manager
Oct. 2015 - Nov. 2018Sao PauloResponsible for managing renowned brands from the OTC - antidiarrheal, probiotics and vitamins market, which corresponded to 60% Merck Consumer Health division business. Marketing management of the most traditional brand of Antidiarrheic market (2018): Floratil, and the Top of Mind brand of the vitamin C market: Cebion, as well as managing the strategic marketing plan (new entrances) of Food Supplement and Oral Rehydrate market: Bion3 (Probiotics and Vitamins) and Floralryte (ORS). Full in charge of market strategies, market planning, 360o marketing campaign: Direct to Consumers Strategy (DTC), consumer (UX) insights provide, digital marketing (social media) management. Full P&L responsibilities management for the biggest OTC businesses with representative Topline: R$ 150 mio. Key achievements: • Revamped the Floratil’s brand (40 years in Brazil) with new product positioning, adding value to the brand portfolio and increased average ticket (20% on TT revenue), valuing the medical PX, increasing +10pp of Px share; • Led the strategic review of Floratil's Investment Plan, optimizing budget by 70% (R$ 4 mio) to improve the P&L profitability: +5pp on GPS. • Launched a new product: Bion 3, an innovative product-concept to modernize the mature food supplements market, contributing to Merck Consumer Health brand awareness increase at retail (OTC-Pharma), delivery category growth purpose and distribution capillary: +10k stores in 12 months. • Led and structured a new price strategy definition for Cebion (Vit. C Commoditie) by 10%, through value added study of the portfolio (mix repositioning, shopper insights) and so monetizing the product margin in +2pp.
Consumer Marketing Manager
NestléConsumer Marketing Manager
Jan. 2010 - Oct. 2015São Paulo, BrasilGo to market strategies roles, delivery category growth, marketing operation and P&L management of highly renowned brands appointed to toddlers and infant consumers: Nan, Nestogeno and Ninho, as well as leading releases of an important local brands to modernize Brazilian market and meet the needs for mothers and Healthcare Professionals (shopper insights): NESLAC. Key-achievements: • Prepared integrated marketing plan, contributing to the recovery of 5pp SoM (49% to 54%), allowing the leadership retaking of Nestlé Specialties infant formulas (NAN) subcategory. • Led complete reformulation process of a mature infant formula brand (NESTOGENO) towards a strategic price repositioning (+20%) in Brazilian market, increasing high added value belief for shoppers. • Launched a new growing up milk concept brand with high connection with Brazilian mothers (shoppers) – NESLAC|NAN - increasing the first revenue of business unit at R$ 50 mio in Y1.
Sales Executive Leader (Sales Manager, Trade Marketing Chief and Professional Sales Specialist)
Nestlé Health ScienceSales Executive Leader (Sales Manager, Trade Marketing Chief and Professional Sales Specialist)
Oct. 2003 - Dec. 2009São Paulo, BrasilTrade Marketing management for Nestlé Oral Supplement category (commercial strategies driver) with responsibilities on brand's marketing strategy implementation, according to corporate trade and retail excellence’s guidelines, including POS (Merchandising) sales activation. Focus on important channels development of Brazilian retail, supermarkets and pharmacies - using Customers Business Plan and Category Management to boost their performance; Vast experiences in medical detailing management, KOLs management (partners) as Field Operations Manager in Southeast and South regions, leading a team with Senior Medical Delegates focused on the specialties portfolio for healthcare professionals, generating sales demand to pharmacies. Key achievements: • Developed a new sales channel and complete operational flow for Nestlé enteral nutrition products category focused on pharmacies chain. As business results, sales target KPIs achieved (from R$ 17.000 to) R$ 200.000 monthly, with impactful presence over 3k POS in 12 months. • Innovated in the elaboration of incentive campaigns for sales team, integrating the new system to merchandising team, in order to ensuring the product sell-out. There was growth between 30 - 50% of TT revenues vs baseline sales (R$ 6 mio) during non -seasonal quarters.
Sales Specialist
AbbottSales Specialist
May. 2001 - Sep. 2003SP Countryside and South of Minas Gerais (Triângulo Mineiro)Direct report to Tecnopharma > exclusive dealer for Abbott Nutrition • Deepen relationships opportunities with Healthcare KOLs, Specialized medical detailing, strategic commercial agreements leadership (Ribeirão Preto and Triangulo Mineiro) and Tender Management (public customers) to the ABBOTT Nutrition portfolio, focusing on public and private hospitals > 100% sales goals achieved during company journey. • Temporary scientific support for Regional Sales Team.


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