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Work Background
System Engineer
Ericsson AB / Inovia ABSystem Engineer
Sep. 2015Stockholm, SwedenProvision a large distributed computing server stack to hardware simulation engineers . The cluster comprises of 2048+ cores, 5+ TB RAM, 50+ TB of disk storage data and is consumed by few hundred engineers. System subcomponents and functionalities involve - High Performance Computing(HPC) - a Microsoft server orchestration product - batch jobs to allocate/de-allocate, backup and optimise storage disks - Citrix virtualisation stack for session management - web portals written in Java/Javascript to access the cluster - tools to visualise large amounts of data using Java/Javascript, ElasticSearch, Hadoop Visa mindre
Software System Programmer
Axiomatics ABSoftware System Programmer
Feb. 2012 - Jul. 2015Stockholm, SwedenDomain: XACML and Identity Management - an application layer security specification maintained by Oasis(https://www.oasis-open.org). Technologies: XACML, Java, Design Patterns, XML-parsers, Public/Private Keys, JaxWS WebServices, Siteminder, LDAP, ApacheTomcat -Designed and developed the Axiomatics PEP SDK - a REST API based client library, in wide usage by several groups -Incorporated thread safety with a throughput of 1K to 1.5K requests/second,security,flexibility, multiple version support and extension mechanisms to the API -Documented and maintained the library for three years with regular feature enhancements -Integrated the Axiomatics XACML suite with CA SiteMinder (now CA Single Sign On Server), an industry leader in Authentication technologies -Demonstrated the XACML-Siteminder integration with a technical presentation to an audience of about 100 in a webinar Visa mindre
Software System Programmer
Axiomatics ABSoftware System Programmer
Jan. 2012 - Dec. 2015
Masters Thesis Student
Wx3 Telecom ABMasters Thesis Student
Jun. 2011 - Dec. 2011Kista, Stockholm, Sweden* Analysis and development of Interactive VOIP-Video Response System * Study and integration of an open source call routing communications server called Asterisk and an open source media transcoding engine called Diastar. * Worked with SIP/SDP/RTP protocols, PHP, SQL and perl
Aug. 2009 - Sep. 2011Course Contents * In depth theory on several layers of the network stack, socket programming, android programming, theoretical concepts of routing algorithms, elementary router configuration, NAT traversal, basic network security concepts, PKI, Wireshark, C, Java, Android SDK * Various academic projects, involving implementation of application/transport/internet layer code using C or Java. * Assignments involving socket level packet capture, parsing HTTP, SIP, SDP, RTP, TCP/IP, ARP, SMTP, UDP, ICMP headers to experiment and implement user defined network behaviour on the host. Visa mindre
Applications Development Engineer
JP Morgan India Private LimitedApplications Development Engineer
May. 2009 - Jul. 2009Domain: Investment banking Technologies: Java, JDBC, XML parsers, XML Description: A short proof of concept implementation in java to render a finance-product-data to the UI in a flexible way allowing it to be visualised in multiple perspectives
Applications Development Engineer
OracleApplications Development Engineer
Aug. 2006 - Mar. 2009Bengaluru Area, IndiaDomain : Retail Technologies: Java, JDBC, XML parsers, Spring, PL/SQL, XML, Java Thread API, SOAP, Quartz Scheduler Project size: 3 to 6 member teams; 3 to 6 months long; 4 or 5 projects Description: The retail/supply-chain suite consisted of several Java/J2EE web components to manage the inventory, employee and sales data. They were integrated with XML payloads over HTTP. Some note-worthy contributions are -Implemented code to covert XML structures to DB layer storage beans -Measured throughput times for two alternate solutions and derived performance statistics -Implemented code to distribute and parallel-process the payload using Spring Thread API and staging areas Visa mindre
Project Engineer
Wipro TechnologiesProject Engineer
Aug. 2004 - Aug. 2006Bengaluru Area, IndiaDomain : Energy and Utilities domain at Wipro Technologies Technologies: Java, Cleveland MVC framework, JSP, Oracle DB, Eclipse Project size: 3 to 5 member teams; 6 to 8 months long; 3 projects Description: The solution was developed for National Grid, the energy production and supply organization for the UK. The implementation consisted of a suite of web applications to manage the production, distribution and trade of energy. I was involved in implementation and testing of several work flows as JSP pages their corresponding DB schemas. Visa mindre
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