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Work Background
Teaching Assistant
Higher School of EconomicsTeaching Assistant
Jan. 2021 - Dec. 2022Moscow, RussiaI was responsible for assisting ~30 first-year students at Higher School of Economics in linear algebra: revising topics from lectures and seminars; preparing them for exams; creating, checking and grading assignments. Responsibilities: • Using Python, I created exercises for the graded assignments • Together with my group of students we held monthly meet-ups where we solved practice exam problems and discussed students' questions • I helped my students understand hard-to-grasp concepts and topics in the linear algebra course • I checked and graded the students' assignments and communicated with the lecturer and my group's seminarian about the test results and scores
Junior Software Developer
OZON.ruJunior Software Developer
Jan. 2021Moscow, RussiaWorking in a leading online-retail platform in Russia, I was responsible for the development and maintenance of the web-application used by pickup point employees for giving out clients' orders, accepting return packages, checking and validating the stock of the pickup point, etc. Responsibilities • I developed and implemented new business features using C#, PostgreSQL and Microsoft SQL Server. These features are projected to earn Ozon more than £300,000,000 each year. • I was responsible for troubleshooting issues in production code. One of these issues was a loophole that allowed people to cancel orders and get their money back just after receiving their item. My bugfix saved Ozon approximately £20,000 in one month. • I was overlooking over 70 .NET microservices in the pickup point domain, used best practices and latest technologies to create new, stable and reliable microservices to support the growing list of business features • I was involved in troubleshooting issues and maintaining microservices during big sales (I was on-duty in case any problems arise in our or adjacent teams' services) • I helped transition away from a monolith MS SQL database to separate PostgreSQL databases to increase stability and availablility of microservices • I worked and communicated with other teams to integrate complex functionality
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