Old Mutual South AfricaSenior Financial Advisor
Jan. 2006 - Apr. 2010PlumsteadI reached a point where I advised people on everything. There was nothing that I could not sell or do. I advised on their investment and insurance portfolio's which involved sales of homeloans, insurance, investments, corporate benefits and pension funds, offshore investments in tax havens, medical aid and short term insurance products. It also involved admin, research, presentations, sourcing clients, networking, problem solving, strategy, goal setting, targets, respecting laws, study work, testing, accreditation's, target achievement. I was also involved in the short term insurance side with Mutual and Federal, selling both personal lines of insurance and commercial and focused on that quite a bit to generate an income. I left Old Mutual due to being head hunted by Standard Bank with a more attractive package. When I left I handed over my corporate benefits book, short term insurance portfolio and investment clients to one lucky son of a b...