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Work Background
Scrum Master
MilvusScrum Master
Mar. 2023 - Nov. 2023Remote• Successfully coordinated the implementation of the Scrum methodology in a development team, resulting in a 25% monthly increase in project deliveries. • Effectively managed the product backlog, prioritizing tasks, and optimizing workflow, leading to a 25% increase in team productivity. • Led the implementation of agile estimation techniques, improving the accuracy of deadline estimates by 60%. • Introduced continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) practices, reducing delivery errors by 82%. • Facilitated daily Scrum ceremonies, ensuring transparency and collaboration among team members, resulting in a 20% improvement in communication and goal alignment. • Coordinated the transition of a team to the agile model, providing ongoing support and ensuring adherence to Scrum principles.
Project coordinator
Escola DNCProject coordinator
Feb. 2023 - Jul. 2023São Paulo Brasil · Remote• Guiding students during Project, Product, and Marketing training, providing support throughout the sessions, and addressing questions related to Projects, Excel, Power BI, Green Belt, Statistical Analysis, Scrum, SIPOC, PDCA, Ishikawa, Metrics, VOC, CX, SX. • Actively contributing to the development and continuous improvement of project management processes and policies. • Applying agile methodologies such as Scrum and Kanban to expedite development and enhance adaptability. • Coordinating all phases of the project life cycle, applying both agile and traditional methodologies as needed.
Product Owner
Escola DNCProduct Owner
May. 2022 - Nov. 2022São Paulo, BrasilAwarded as Project of Highest Impact, Project Excellence, Top 3 Project, Honor Student, Excellence Student, and Top 3 Student. • Effectively managed customer expectations, ensuring that deliveries exceeded their needs, such as a 35% increase in post-sales sector sales (while an expected increase was 30%). • Identified and continuously implemented improvements in development processes, resulting in a 50% increase in efficiency and cost reduction. • Led the construction of high-performance agile teams, fostering a collaborative and results-focused environment at each stage of DMAIC. • Prioritized and effectively managed the backlog, ensuring the delivery of the most valuable and strategic features. • Established and maintained effective communication with stakeholders, ensuring a clear understanding of requirements and expectations. • Led multifunctional launches, coordinating efforts from post-sales, sales, customer service, and logistics for a cohesive launch. • Led the transition to agile methodologies, implementing Scrum practices that resulted in increased efficiency and faster delivery. • Guided product vision, conducting continuous iterations to enhance and adapt features based on customer feedback. • Built high-performance agile teams, fostering a collaborative and results-focused environment. • Effectively integrated project management tools to optimize collaboration and progress visibility. • Proactively responded to market changes, adjusting strategies and priorities to maintain product relevance, such as seasonal campaigns and their impacts. • Created comprehensive product documentation and manuals to facilitate understanding and usage both internally and externally.
Financial Controller
Intersection VenturesFinancial Controller
Sep. 2019 - Oct. 2019Lisboa e Região, Portugal• Coordinated financial audits and ensured tax compliance in all aspects related to projects. • Successfully integrated financial systems to optimize operational efficiency and ensure accuracy in project financial information. • Conducted profitability analyses to identify areas for improvement and opportunities to optimize return on investment. • Effectively managed financial resources in projects, ensuring proper allocation of funds and monitoring performance against established budgets. • Created and regularly analyzed comprehensive financial reports to provide critical insights into the financial health of projects. • Established and implemented robust internal controls to mitigate financial risks, ensuring compliance with company policies.
Customer Service Specialist
NestléCustomer Service Specialist
Aug. 2017 - Sep. 2019Lisboa e Região, Portugal• Effective management of customer relationships in complex projects, reducing workload by 75% in the Spanish market analyses area; ensuring satisfaction and successful delivery of proposed solutions. • Leadership in continuous improvement projects as a parallel function within the Nestle Continuous Excellence framework. • Coordination as a Super User for the transition of the market areas in Switzerland, Portugal, and Spain, applying DMADV. • Effective coordination of communication between project teams and clients to ensure ongoing alignment and prompt issue resolution. • Creation and implementation of efficient customer service processes, resulting in significant improvements in the customer experience. • Proactive identification of challenges in customer service and implementation of solutions to ensure a positive and continuous experience. • Ongoing training of customer service teams, ensuring adherence to quality standards and skill enhancement for the Italy and UK markets. • Creation and monitoring of key performance indicators (KPIs) to assess the effectiveness of customer service and identify areas for improvement in O2C and S2P. • Successful integration of customer service technologies to optimize processes and improve operational efficiency. • Effective integration of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems to enhance customer relationship management across all projects.
Sócia Fundadora
Madeleine beleza e Café LtdaSócia Fundadora
Dec. 2014 - Dec. 2015Niterói - RJ• Criação e implementação de estratégias inovadoras de gestão de projetos, resultando em melhorias operacionais e alcançando metas estabelecidas. • Coordenação do lançamento bem-sucedido de várias iniciativas empresariais, desde a concepção até a entrega e avaliação pós-implantação. • Desenvolvimento e cultivo de parcerias estratégicas com stakeholders-chave para otimizar recursos e fortalecer o impacto dos projetos • Liderança na gestão eficaz do ciclo de vida completo dos projetos, incluindo planejamento, execução, monitoramento e encerramento. • Identificação proativa de oportunidades de inovação em projetos, resultando em soluções diferenciadas e vantagens competitiva • Negociação eficaz e contratação de recursos necessários para a execução bem-sucedida de projetos, otimizando custos e prazos. • Coordenação bem-sucedida de equipes multidisciplinares, promovendo um ambiente colaborativo e alcançando objetivos comuns.
Financial Service Specialist
IBMFinancial Service Specialist
Nov. 2011 - Mar. 2013Rio de Janeiro e Região, Brasil• Coordenação bem-sucedida da gestão financeira de projetos complexos, garantindo a precisão dos registros e o cumprimento de orçamentos estabelecidos no mercado LATAM • Condução de análises detalhadas de viabilidade financeira para avaliar a atratividade e o retorno sobre investimento de projetos propostos. • Coordenação bem-sucedida de auditorias financeiras e garantia de conformidade com regulamentos em todos os aspectos relacionados a projetos. • Criação de relatórios financeiros estratégicos para oferecer insights críticos sobre o desempenho econômico e financeiro de projetos específicos. • Participação ativa em negociações financeiras para garantir termos favoráveis e otimização de condições financeiras em projetos. • Otimização de processos de faturamento em projetos, reduzindo erros e melhorando a eficiência na gestão financeira.
Estagiário de verão
Enforex - Learn Spanish in Spain and Latin AmericaEstagiário de verão
Sep. 2010 - Nov. 2010Madrid e Região, Espanha · On-site• Bolsa de estudos para o curso de Formação em espanhol comercial e de negócios certificado pela Cámara de Comercio y Industria de Madrid • Coleta e análise do feedback do cliente, que proporcionou informações valiosas para ajustes contínuos na comunicação e vendas. Isso contribuiu para a satisfação do cliente. • Estudo da Compreensão do Público-Alvo neste caso estudantes da França e Itália • Criação e manutenção da identidade visual para uma comunicação efetiva com o público
Analista financeira
Braumat Equipamentos Hidráulicos LtdaAnalista financeira
Feb. 2009 - Sep. 2009Rio de Janeiro, Brasil · On-site• Alocação eficiente de recursos, análise de orçamentos e projeções financeiras para garantir o sucesso financeiro • Realização de análises de custo-benefício, calculo do retorno sobre o investimento (ROI) e identificação riscos financeiros • Fornecimento de relatórios claros e insights financeiros para garantir o apoio contínuo e a compreensão do impacto financeiro a diretoria na tomada de decisões.
Concrete SolutionsEstagiária
Mar. 2008 - Dec. 2008
Analista financeiro
BematechAnalista financeiro
Jul. 2007 - Feb. 2008On-site• Implementação de sofware nas áreas de backend e frontend para hotéis • Treinamento de funcionários não somente do sistema mas também das tarefas financeiras e admistrativas a serem realizadas • Atendimento ao cliente resolvendo conflitos e dúvidas tanto sobre o sistema como as funções e responsábilidades


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