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Work Background
Postdoctoral Researcher
Karolinska InstitutetPostdoctoral Researcher
Jan. 2021Solna, Stockholm County, SwedenPostdoktor Institutionen för lärande, informatik, management och etik (LIME), KI. Projekt: "Covid-19:s effekter på arbetsmiljön i digitalt medierat distansarbete – upplevd och faktisk". PI: Kristina Palm
Postdoctoral Researcher
Gymnastik- och idrottshögskolanPostdoctoral Researcher
Jan. 2019 - Dec. 2020Stockholm, SwedenForskare i ett projekt om implementering av aktivitetsbaserade arbetssätt.
PhD candidate, Industrial Work Science
KTHPhD candidate, Industrial Work Science
Jan. 2012 - Dec. 2019Stockholm, SwedenI do research on employee self-leadership and what organizational practices can facilitate that. An important part of the skillset as a knowledge worker in an environment low on external direction and constraints is managing your time and attention. You can only hold so much into that 3 lbs lump between your ears at one time before it starts to run out of processing power. So, my interest is partly in what the individual can do to keep their more or less boundaryless work manageable and, hopefully, fun. Partly, it's about how organizations create environments that supports the kind of thinking and action that needs to happen rather than taxing the brains of their employees with unnecessary stuff. In my thesis work, I hope to find work practices that work in support self-leadership OR remove the need for it completely when appropriate, that are sustainable, and that promote innovativeness. **Teaching responsibilities:** Current: KTH Knowledge intensive work & organization - for CS students. Course director & lecturing. ~ 180 students yearly. Previous: KTH Team Leadership and Human Resource Management - Course director & lecturing. ~ 200 students yearly Research Methods in Industrial Engineering and Management - Lecturing on survey methodology Organization and Knowledge-Intensive Work - Lecturing Leading Future Talents - Lecturing on leading Millenials; development of course concept; course admin - A leadership development course for professionals, specifically, intern supervisors in industry partaking in Tekniksprånget by Ingenjörsvetenskapsakademien (IVA). Södertörn University Scientific methodology, bachelor level psychology - Responsible for the part on testing/survey methodology: lecturing, computer labs & examination. Stockholm University Survey Methodology, masters level psychology - Instructor LimeSurvey Visa mindre
Research assistant
Stockholms universitetResearch assistant
Jan. 2011 - Dec. 2012Forskningsassistent i ett projekt finansierat av Vinnova om omställningsprocesser. Det handlar om organisationsförändringar, personer som blir uppsagda och hur detta påverkar dem, organisationen, och hur kompetens kan överföras till nya sammanhang. Jag arbetar med att ta fram enkät, att tekniskt sköta enkätbygge & distribution, analysera data kvantitativt och sköta kontakter med olika organisationer för att hitta deltagare. Har presenterat resultat på en vetenskaplig konferens om arbetslöshet & hälsa. Även genomfört intervjuundersökningar. Visa mindre
Teacher in social media
FolkuniversitetetTeacher in social media
Jan. 2010 - Dec. 2010Teaching a course on social media for beginners with a practical focus. How to set up a Facebook profile & page for a small business, how to handle RSS flows, how to start a blog & pipe it into other services etc.
Consultant SAP HCM
CapgeminiConsultant SAP HCM
Jan. 2008 - Dec. 2011Stockholm, SverigeMain experience is within PA, OM, authorizations & time evaluation. Among other things, I: * designed and managed a mini-project (me +1 person, 4 weeks) that implemented a switch to more advanced HCM authorizations for large engineering company. * coded collective agreements into Time Evaluation Rules and Schemas for a government agency. * teached courses for HR managers and payroll administrators on the HCM modules for the world's largest furniture retailer. * provided much appreciated support on HCM and authorizations for one of the largest engineering companies in the world. * was responsible for the setup of OM and PA, and later HCM authorizations, at a logistics company. Visa mindre
ST DirektRådgivare/Advisor
Jan. 2007 - Dec. 2008Advisor at a labor union for people employed by the government. Rådgivare på SKTF/ST Direkt, dit medlemmar, förtroendevalda och ombudsmän kan vända sig för alla frågor rörande arbetsrätt och fackligt medlemskap. SKTF är för alla kommunala tjänstemän och ST för statliga tjänstemän.
Outokumpu StainlessHR-assistant
Jan. 2007 - Dec. 2007Interviewing, creating a new tool for assessing summer interns, create statistics, administrating recruiting, running competence-analyses and more.
Riksförbundet GoodgameRedaktör/Editor
May. 2006 - Dec. 2006Editor for the organisations website. Deciding which games should get reviewed and by whom each week. Giving feedback to reviewers about how to improve their work. Editing of text and images. Writing editorial material. Moderating the websites forum.
Skribent/Freelance writer
Super PlaySkribent/Freelance writer
Jan. 2005 - Dec. 2007Writing mostly reviews and previews of video games.
Skribent/Freelance writer
PC GamerSkribent/Freelance writer
Jan. 2002 - Dec. 2005Writing reviews, previews, interviews and more. Some trips to London and Paris for previewing games and making interviews.
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