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Work Background
Solutions Architect, Microservice Architect, Tech Lead and Developer
IRIUMSolutions Architect, Microservice Architect, Tech Lead and Developer
Feb. 2024Tenerife (remote position 100%)Solutions Architect, Microservice Architect, Tech Lead and Developer on Confirming-Factoring Santander Spain Bank, creating new solutions for them: - Hexagonal architecture and domain driven design - Spring Boot 3 and Java 17 (reactive and no reactive) - Development of APIs using API First methodology and checked by the APIs governance group - Reactive microphones with Spring Webflux with R2dbc and non-reactive microphones api-rest spring-data - Spring Cloud (Spring gateway, traceability, monitoring...) - Kafka Streams, Kafka Consumer and Kafka Producer - Spring Hateoas (pagination) - Mapstructs - Lombok - Spring data (jpa + r2dbc) - Maven - ATDD with Cucumber and Gherkins with 65% mandatory test coverage - CleanCode Philosophy (My role also involves explaining the importance of following good practices) - Apigee - CI/CD with github actions (using gitflow standard on projects) - Harbor - Jira - Scrum Methodology - Openshift (Kubernetes and Docker) - GitHub
Solutions Architect, Microservices Architect, Tech Lead and Developer
IRIUMSolutions Architect, Microservices Architect, Tech Lead and Developer
Nov. 2022 - Feb. 2024Tenerife (Remote Position)Tech Lead in the new PreConfirming project of Confirming International Santander Bank based on Payment Orders In charge of the transformation of business domain objects to technical domain objects, creating a complete architecture for the project based on multimodular Hexagonal Architecture with DDD and developed under the framework of the Spring framework through multimodular microservices and fully supporting us by: - Hexagonal architecture and domain driven design - Spring Boot 3 and Java 17 - Development of APIs using API First methodology and checked by the APIs governance group - Reactive microphones with Spring Webflux with R2dbc and non-reactive microphones api-rest spring-data - Spring Cloud (Spring gateway, traceability, monitoring...) - Kafka Streams, Kafka Consumer and Kafka Producer - Spring Hateoas (pagination) -Mapstructs -Lombok -Maven - ATDD with Cucumber and Gherkins with 80% mandatory test coverage - CleanCode Philosophy (My role also involves explaining the importance of following good practices) - API Connect - CI/CD with Standard Gitflow - Sonarqube -Nexus - Jira - Scrum Methodology - Openshift (Kubernetes and Docker) -GitHub My role is also that of developer since we are only 2 people in the development team at present, and apart from the development tasks that correspond to me, I also manage the configurations of the deployments, of the gateways, of the security in the micros, the jenkinsfile, ... and also the creation of the micros and configurations of the archetype of our team with their modifications and maven configurations.
Technical Lead for OrangeBank group
Axpe ConsultingTechnical Lead for OrangeBank group
Oct. 2021 - Nov. 2022Remote Position (Tenerife)ORANGEBANK (International team) Technical lead for the different business flows in the Loans Squad with OrangeBank (11 people with 3 BA and 1 PO) Development of DT's User Story Development Analytics Development Creation of new architectures and orchestration (Docker/Kubernetes, Kong, Hexagonal Architecture + Java11+ SpringBoot, Confluent Kafka, MQ Queues, SFTPs, oauth2, B3-headers, lombok, Openapi3, ATDD with Cucumber + Gherkin syntax) Azure Cloud + On premise CI/CD, Sonarqube and kiuwan Service Integration - Architect , technical lead and functional lead International team - english conversation PAGONXT Technical lead for the different business flows in the Servicing Squad within Pagonxt of Santander Bank Group (15 people including 2 analysts and a Project Manager). 4 layers involved: Salesforce Mulesoft Apigee + Core (Apigee + Java11 + Spring Boot + kafka + Apache Camel, lombok, Openapi3, ATDD) Data (Stratio, Sparta, Kafka, ftps) Development of DT's User Story Development Analytics Development Creation of new architectures and orchestration (openshift, ddd + SpringBoot architecture, Apache Camel, Apache Kafka, MQ Queues, SFTPs, Eventhub, oauth2, B3-headers, lombok, Openapi3, ...) Azure Cloud + On premise CI/CD, Sonarqube and kiuwan/fortify Service Integration - Architect , technical lead and functional lead
Technical Lead and Architect for Bus Integrations with Apache Camel, Spring Boot and Openshift
Paradigma DigitalTechnical Lead and Architect for Bus Integrations with Apache Camel, Spring Boot and Openshift
Apr. 2021 - Oct. 2021Remote Position (Tenerife)Participate in a microservice integration development project for Mutua Madrileña client through an ESB Jboss Fuse bus. Work with technology based on microservices. Maintain the Fuse integration service to connect to your Saleforce product. Analyze the platforms to evolve. Identify problems and make proposals for improvements for the sustained growth of the platform.
Senior Software Engineer Technical Lead
Optare SolutionsSenior Software Engineer Technical Lead
Jul. 2020 - Apr. 2021Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canarias, España (Remoto)Work as a Technical Leader for Optare Solutions in a project for the Disashop company that consisted of a restructuring and a new architecture for its core business. My work consisted of: - Implementation of a working methodology with git for the development of microservices. - Creation of analyzes for the client of new solutions and distribution of tasks to the group of developers - Creation of modular Api Rest template (4 API modules, Core, Dao and Client) with Gradle, Spring Boot 2.5, Spring Boot Actuator, Swagger OpenApi 3.0, lombok, feign, hibernate, mapstruct 1.4, unit tests, jenkinsfile for pipeline, configuration from sonarqube and control keycloak via oauth2 - token bearer jwt - Full keycloak setup for the full microservices framework (18 microservices). Client - business calls (through the web made in Angular 10) and business - business (through feign, apache camel and httpclient) - nginx configurations as web server to capture accesses and redirection to login - Dockerfile configurations for integration and continuous delivery in Amazon AWS - Creation of self-opening gateway microservices of rest services through real- time databases to prevent clients from accessing the entire rest api of the microservices from outside the system, carried out with spring boot and apache camel, a modular project based on the template (4 API modules, Core, Dao and Client) with Gradle, Spring Boot 2.5, Spring Boot Actuator, Swagger OpenApi 3.0, lombok, feign, hibernate, mapstruct 1.4, unit tests, jenkinsfile for pipeline. - Creation of a project in spring batch and angular 10 with spring boot for the reconciliation of invoices between suppliers and the client company, Disashop.
Full-stack Developer Engineering Remote Position
PrimeIT EspañaFull-stack Developer Engineering Remote Position
Jun. 2019 - Jul. 2020Remote PositionFull-Stack tasks and architect for the company Ingénico. I work as a consultant for the company Ingenico through the company PrimeIt in which I have performed the following tasks: Unique development of a complete project of services and microservices with Spring Boot 2.1 (last version), fully developed with Clean Code and TDD (JUnit) to facilitate the payment and epayments platform in order to serve as a platform between business customers and banks with the latest Redsys specification and its new security protocol for commerce in Europe since October 2019. This great project is made up of 2 subprojects with a DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) made up of rest services that are interconnected to a data integration MZ with an oracle DB through rest microservices. In addition, at the moment I am developing a backoffice for the administrative control of the data with Spring Boot 2.18 (rest microservices) + OAuth2 with JWT and angular 9 with bootstraps. Daily Scrum for the entire team of 4 people (2 developers .net + 1 analyst + me as java profile) that we develop jointly in Java and .Net, and task management, CI/CD and code analysis through TFs Development of the Technical Design of the application through Enterprise Architect. In addition, copies and duplications of databases in oracle (DBA), opening of new services, server deployments and other tasks for windows server 2012
Full-stack Developer
INERZA S.A.Full-stack Developer
Mar. 2018 - Jun. 2019Santa Cruz de Tenerife y alrededores, EspañaFull-Stack tasks for Inerza, S.A (Consulting Company that belongs to the same group as Contactel with which they share human resources). Sole developer (initially another person with me) of a complete project of a bus of connections orchestrated by a JBOSS-FUSE (Cloud-Native Distributed Integration Platform) developed in Rest DSL of Apache Camel and maintenance of the same, which joins own developments APIs developed in JEE 1.8 standard with CDI in Tomcat, clients for web services of the consumer company and the PLATINO platform (Interoperability Platform of the Government of the Canary Islands) also in JEE 1.8 standard. In addition to an interoperability platform for Bus permissions to manage administrators and a service consumer platform for its clients. Connections to Oracle Databases, Postgresql, MySQL, SQL Server helped by the Hikari library for Java, Creation of own CRUDS and use of Hibernate and Open JPA, Continuous Integration with Jenkins, Sonarqube, Nexus, GitLab with 63% Coverage in Unit Tests and 0 blocking bugs, 0 critical, 0 major, 20 minor, and 15 info (1 day technical debt). Completely developed with the Clean Code philosophy that I implemented in the project. Use of both Dockers locally to facilitate local developments and complete installations on Local under Linux since it is a new project that must be deployed on servers that do not run with Dockers. In addition, the bus implements a message queue for the calls of the different services that are later read with the ELK Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) that normally work with logs and that we have changed to work with ActiveMQ and that helps us to represent bigdata from the bus consumption. In addition to development, analysis tasks using Redmine to work with the client (Project Office) and Alfresco as a document manager. And also use of Scrum at the development level (weekly meetings, dailys, sprints) and PMP at the management level (Alfresco, Redmine, ...)
Software Architect & Programmer Analyst
Contactel Teleservicios, SASoftware Architect & Programmer Analyst
Sep. 2017 - Mar. 2018Santa Cruz de Tenerife, España-Monitoring continuous integration (Jenkins-Sonarqube for JUnit unit tests and functional tests with Cucumber-jvm + Selenium -Mounting CAS-SSO in a parallel configuration to Ldap for different versions of the same product (Spring Security + Maven) -Spring framework updates -Corrections in Maven -Corrections in Spring Security -Setting up automatic user session control through Spring security + Javascript + cookies -Study, feasibility and start of creating a new project using Spring Framework 5 based on microservices with spring-web-reactive + jpa -Study and tests with GraphQL to serve mobile applications. -Review and modification of the functional documentation of the project to establish the new changes. -Development of project architecture document through Enterprise Architect based on the import of an already developed project. -Revisions of the Sonarqube for correction plan of past errors. Analysis and programming tasks for the maintenance of applications through GLPI and Redmine for project management carried out in JEE 7, Spring-MVC, Apache-Tiles, JSP, Maven, Clean Code, junit and functional tests with Cucumber- jvm + Selenium, Hibernate , liquibase.
Plan de Capacitación de Team Leaders
AtosPlan de Capacitación de Team Leaders
Oct. 2016 - Sep. 2017Santa Cruz de Tenerife y alrededores, EspañaCurso Interno de Capacitación de Team Leaders: puntos del curso: . Estima, planifica, cumple, cautiva . Gestión de Riesgos . Gestión de Conflictos
Team Leader and Program Analyst
Atos IT Solutions and Services A/STeam Leader and Program Analyst
Aug. 2015 - Sep. 2017Team leader and Architect at Atos, leading a group of 8 people, 7 in Tenerife and 1 in Madrid, both as person in charge of the Correospaq application (www.correospaq.es) and its code. The application contains a public part made with the Fatwire content manager and contains two private parts, one specific for customers (https://online.correospaq.es), another to carry out commercial and administration tasks on the internal network (Backoffice of Correospaq) for operations on clients and another for CorreospaqBatch automated tasks, all with a client layer made in PrimeFaces 4.0 (UI framework based on JSF for JEE). The first two use the same business core based on Spring 4.0.6 MVC while CorreospaqBatch uses a specific business module based on Spring Batch and Quartz, all with role management and connections to LDAP with Spring Security, java 7, Rest Services with Spring RESTful and WSDL Web services made in the jax-ws standard, passing messages through MQ queues, functional tests with selenium, design patterns, Maven, Hibernate and OpenJPA, Oracle Database with XA and simple connections, Server Websphere 8.5 with IBM HTTP Server web server separating the static layer from the Java code (Local Environment mounted with Docker together with a sonar with specific mail rules, Development, Pre-production and Production environments) and Liberty Profile also locally for simple developments. Continuous integration with Hudson and Sonarqube, RTC for code control, Lean methodologies and visual management for development and Remedy for Task management with the client, as well as Starteam for code uploads to client machines. The tasks carried out are architect of this application, dealing with the client and carrying out impact analysis for evolutionary projects, creation and modification of functional analysis, creation and modification of the technical design, programming and distribution of the different evolutions of the application, trainer in CLEAN CODE.
Program Analyst
Plexus TechProgram Analyst
Nov. 2014 - Jul. 2015Analista programador en el proyecto Amtega que se está desarrollando para la Junta de Galicia con Java J2EE, Spring 3.2 con patrones (DAO, DTO, Facade,...), Hibernate, Maven, Liferay MVC (Portlets), OpenESB, Hssql con JUnit y Mockito para tests (exigencia del 90% de covertura del código en Test Unitarios), CleanCode, Sonarqube y Jenkins para integración continua (95% de exigencia para Rules Compliance), Apache CXF para webservices (SOAP), Javascript, Jquery, Sass y Css, Eclipse, Redmine para gestión de proyectos y Herramientas Office Apoyo en proyecto EUREKA (programa EUREKA) realizado en Vaadin7, J2EE, Spring 3.2, Gradle, Hibernate, Liferay MVC (Portlets)
Program Analyst
Arte ConsultoresProgram Analyst
Nov. 2014 - Nov. 2014Análisis y desarrollo en plataformas en el proyecto SISPECAN con J2EE Java / JUnit / WebLogic / Oracle /Java / OracleSQL / JavaScript (jQuery, Ajax) / HTML 5 /XML / PL-SQL / Vaadin / Extjs 5 / OpenJPA / SwingML entornos de desarrollo Eclipse o Netbeans, control de versiones SVN, Jenkins, Sonar, Alfresco, OpenCMS, SOAP y Rest con Jersey, Patrones (DAO, DTO, facade...), Clean Code, Toad y SQLDeveloper. OOP y SOA, Maven, Ant. Herramientas Office, Jira, Shell y Bash. Trabajo desarrollado en las áreas de Formación durante 3 meses y actualmente en Intermediación, más concretamente en el área de Inter-Transversales.
Analista Programador
CinsaAnalista Programador
Oct. 2013 - Oct. 2014Análisis y desarrollo en plataformas en el proyecto SISPECAN con J2EE Java / JUnit / WebLogic / Oracle /Java / OracleSQL / JavaScript (jQuery, Ajax) / HTML 5 /XML / PL-SQL / Vaadin / Extjs 5 / OpenJPA / SwingML entornos de desarrollo Eclipse o Netbeans, control de versiones SVN, Jenkins, Sonar, Alfresco, OpenCMS, SOAP y Rest con Jersey, Patrones (DAO, DTO, facade...), Clean Code, Toad y SQLDeveloper. OOP y SOA, Maven, Ant. Herramientas Office, Jira, Shell y Bash. Trabajo desarrollado en las áreas de Formación durante 3 meses y actualmente en Intermediación, más concretamente en el área de Inter-Transversales.
Feb. 2012 - Mar. 2013Programador en Renderflow (www.Renderflow.com), realizando tareas de creación de plugins en Python con PyUnit para conectar programas 3D (maya, cinema, 3dmax...) con servidores con sistemas automáticos de tratamientos de imágenes. Desarrollo de cuadros de mandos y consolas en Extjs 5 que consumían servicios web que desarrollé en JEE7 y su estandard y JUnit con RESTEasy para servidores JBoss/MySQL (entornos de desarrollo, preproducción y producción) con Maven, Hudson, Sonar, Patrones (DTO, DAO, Facade, ..), Hibernate, anti-patrones y Clean Code, con control de versiones Git y control de sesiones sobre Extjs5 con jsp. Desarrollo de la ante-sala de la consola de Renderflow http://console.renderflow.com/ y del panel de login y de registro en la web www.renderflow.com desarrollado con html5, javascript, jquery, jsp, Git sobre Jboss y MySQL. Desarrollo dentro de la consola de Renderflow.com desarrollada en Extjs de ventanas, enlaces y plugins. Desarrollo de tareas en gestores de contenido Typo3 y Joomla, Desarrollo de pequeños workflow básicos para tareas automáticas diarias con BonitaSoft y Groovy. Linux Ubuntu, eclipse y shell con pequeños desarrollos en Bash para automatismos de los desarrollos.
Gerencia, marketing, peon
H.F.SUB ArtesanosGerencia, marketing, peon
Jan. 2003 - Feb. 2012
Parque Maritimo Cesar Manriquemantenimiento
Jul. 2003 - Nov. 2007


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