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Work Background
Teaching Assistant
Babes-Bolyai UniversityTeaching Assistant
Oct. 2020Cluj-Napoca, Cluj, RomaniaConducting Methodology courses and seminars for students from the Faculty of Sociology and Social Assistance and College of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences, who have the following field of studies: Sociology, Anthropology, Human Resources, Public Administration.
Laszlo Attila Senatorial OfficeConsultant
Jan. 2013Cluj-NapocaAdministrative activities within the parliamentary office Specialized consulting in the activities of the parliamentary office
Customer Needs Specialist/ UX Researcher
Banca TransilvaniaCustomer Needs Specialist/ UX Researcher
Oct. 2022 - May. 2024Cluj-Napoca, Cluj, RomaniaCombining UX Research and sociological research within the B2B environment, in order to provide more meaningful and actionable insights for product teams regarding strategical banking apps. Focusing both an attitudinal and behavioral dimensions, combining qualitative and quantitative data, I use a wide set of methodologies including usability, user interviews, focus group interviews, surveys, user feedback analysis, analytics, etc. Familiar with design thinking and user personas.
Sociologist / Development Specialist
Fundația Civitas pentru Societatea CivilăSociologist / Development Specialist
Jan. 2022 - Aug. 2023Elaborating the development strategies for 2 administrative communities (communes in Romania); Processing statistical data, planning, organizing and moderating focus group interviews with local stakeholders; Collecting secondary statistical data; Performing the diagnostic analysis of the commune, elaborating the SWOT analysis, outlining objectives and related development measures, conducting the entire process of strategy writing.
Short term consultant (STC), sociologist
The World BankShort term consultant (STC), sociologist
Feb. 2020 - Oct. 2022RomaniaQualitative field researcher on Consolidating the Coordination Mechanism to Implement the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities project. Collecting qualitative data for the Diagnosis of the Situation of People with Disabilities in Romania for the “employment” and ”social protection”, conducting interviews with stakeholders, institutions, entrepreneurs, persons with disabilities, draft detailed interview key points. Qualitative and quantitative field research on Support to Speed Up the Transition of People with Disabilities from Residential Institutions to Community-Based Services project, I carried out external evaluation of community services using external evaluation instruments, interviews and questionnaires with beneficiaries, and external evaluation of residential services using observation forms, interviews with beneficiaries and staff from these institutions. In total, I evaluated 37 community and residential services, conducting more than 250 interviews/questionnaires. Research activities in the “Progress in ensuring the transition from institutional care to community care” project, I carried out coordination and training activities, supporting local public administration members in their fieldwork necessary to complete the activities set out by the project. I offered detailed training on research instruments and supported local authorities in completing the project database, ensured support for the field operators; trained and coordinated the data entry team responsible for more than 12.000 questionnaires, coordinated data validation team.
Sociologist / Development Specialist
Ideaconsult SRLSociologist / Development Specialist
Jan. 2015 - Dec. 2021Cluj-Napoca, Cluj, RomaniaCoordinator of the team who wrote the development strategies for 6 administrative communities (communes in Romania); Coordinating and organizing surveys, developing research tools, recruiting operators; Coordinating data collection activities, verifying and coordinating data entry of questionnaires, processing statistical data, planning, organizing and moderating focus group interviews with local stakeholders; Collecting secondary statistical data; Performing the diagnostic analysis of the commune, elaborating the SWOT analysis, outlining objectives and related development measures, coordinating the entire process of strategy writing.
Promoter Consult CenterSociologist
Aug. 2012 - Dec. 2021Cluj-Napoca, Cluj, RomaniaCollecting and analyzing statistical data; conducting/organizing face to face and focus group interviews, desk research, coordinating qualitative and quantitative research projects, writing sociological reports, analysis, and development strategies; Most important projects: "Business incubator for cross-border touristic development Vadu Crisului - Hajdúszoboszló", writing a touristic marketing strategy; Study on the implementation of the Local Development Plan of the GAL BIHOR Association, together with the PCC team; Elaborating the local development strategies for several municipalities and communes; Many other market researches and customer satisfaction analyzes, marketing plans, development strategies for important companies in Cluj and Romania
Directia Judeteana de Statistica ClujExpert
Mar. 2021 - Aug. 2021Cluj-Napoca, Cluj, RomaniaPreparing the methodological and organizational background of the Population and Housing Census 2022 Preparing the census sectors together with the representatives of local authorities, processing data in GIS system
Sociologist / Market Research
Institutul Român pentru Evaluare și StrategieSociologist / Market Research
Jun. 2018 - Dec. 2019Cluj-Napoca, Cluj, RomaniaCoordinating research projects: conducting national TAPI surveys, recruiting and training new questionnaire operators, reviewing and verifying the accuracy of the collected data, finding and implementing solutions so that the companies field operator network remains flexible and motivated; coordinating a team of more than 120 field operators. Conducting/organizing face to face and focus group interviews.
Education Expert - Sociologist
Babes-Bolyai University, Centre for University Strategy and Quality Management (CUSQM)Education Expert - Sociologist
Jul. 2017 - Jul. 2019Cluj-Napoca, Cluj, RomaniaCarrying out analysis and studies on the university's internal and external environment, providing information on higher education at national and global level; Conducting data collection on university students; The analysis findings grounded and supported the decision-making process at university level.
Short term consultant (STC), sociologist
World Bank GroupShort term consultant (STC), sociologist
Oct. 2017 - Jun. 2019RomaniaSociologist in the project Romania: Development of plans for the deinstitutionalization of children deprived of parental care and their transfer to community based care. Project objectives: (a) develop a complex diagnostic of the centers for children deprived of parental care (residential institutions) and of the needs of their beneficiaries, to prioritize the closure of these centers; (b) carry out an inventory of the available alternative care modalities (e.g. foster parents, extended family) and preventive services, as well as the resources available at local, district and national level that could be mobilized to finance the deinstitutionalization process ; (c) develop a methodology for the closure of residential institutions for children deprived of parental care; and (d) develop a unitary system to identify and enroll the children and families at risk of separation, to diminish the inflows into the specialized child protection system. Participating in field research in various parts of the project, conducting interviews, observation instruments, questionnaires, coordinating data collection in selected communities.
Fundația Civitas pentru Societatea CivilăSociologist
Sep. 2017 - Nov. 2017Cluj-Napoca, Cluj, RomaniaElaborating development strategy for the municipality of Gherla: Strategia de Dezvoltare Locală a ZUM din Municipiul Gherla. Implică-te în prezent! Schimbă viitorul! within the project ACUM pentru Gherla - incluziune socială pentru dezvoltare durabilă. Cod apel: POCU/137/5/1/Reducerea numărului de comunităţi marginalizate (roma şi non-roma) aflate în risc de sărăcie şi excluziune socială din oraşe cu peste 20.000 locuitori, cu accent pe cele cu populaţie aparţinând minorităţii roma, prin implementarea de măsuri/ operaţiuni integrate în contextul mecanismului de DLRC. Coordinating and organizing a survey, developing research tools, recruiting operators, coordinating data collection activities, verifying and coordinating the entry of questionnaires, processing statistical data, planning, organizing and moderating focus group interviews with local stakeholders, collecting secondary statistical data, performing the diagnostic analysis of the commune, elaborating the SWOT analysis, outlining objectives and related development measures.
Fundația Civitas pentru Societatea CivilăSociologist
Nov. 2014 - Apr. 2016Cluj-Napoca, Cluj, RomaniaCarrying out diagnostic analysis for the Development Plan of four Local Action Groups: Somes Transylvanian LAG, Campia Transilvaniei LAG, Someş-Nadas LAG, Crasna Barcăului LAG. Developing research tools for relevant actors in the territory, such as local authorities; data collection and processing; consulting MADR (ministry in charge of rural development) documentation on specific LAG diagnosis requirements; performing diagnostic analysis. Impact study of different development measures in the communes of two LAGs (Somes Transylvanian LAG, Campia Transilvaniei LAG): analyzing the submitted, contracted projects, the amount of newly created jobs, environmental effects, percentage of young people involved in projects, contribution of contracted projects to the local economy, overviewing on how the LAGs used the funds available for development measures, measuring how the objectives of the LAG Development Strategy were achieved.
SCIM Specialist / Sociologist
Ideaconsult SRLSCIM Specialist / Sociologist
Jan. 2015 - Dec. 2015Cluj-Napoca, Cluj, RomaniaImplementation of the Internal Management Control System (Sistem de Control Intern Managerial/SCIM in Romanian) within the institutions and partner schools: Developing a new client base (public institutions) and presenting the IMCS/SCIM and the levels of their implementation; Regular visits to the partners to present and implement the standards and procedures related to the Internal Management Control System
Igen, tessék/Da, poftiți! AssociationSociologist
Mar. 2015 - Mar. 2015Cluj-Napoca, Cluj, RomaniaConducting focus group interviews with Hungarian high school students from the major cities of Transylvania, main topics being: ethnic identity, linguistic skills, use of the mother language in different day to day situations and their perspectives on further studies Developing the interview guide, conducting focus group interviews, writing a research report.
Apr. 2014 - Mar. 2015Cluj-Napoca, Cluj, RomaniaMember of the research team which wrote two strategical documents regarding tourism development and increasing employment rates in Bihor and Covasna counties (POSDRU / 135 /5.2/S/124779); Collecting empirical data necessary for the project: county level surveys in Bihor and Covasna counties, focus groups, interviews with stakeholders and relevant actors in tourism and employment, secondary data from INS, Chamber of Commerce, Lista Firmelor, Tempo Online , eDemos, etc. Analysis of the data obtained, designing the main directions of future development, elaboration of concrete projects to be implemented in order to achieve the objectives of the project.
Ethnocultural Diversity Resource CenterSociologist
Aug. 2014 - Sep. 2014Cluj-Napoca, Cluj, RomaniaConducting interviews with members of the Roma community, and stakeholders in Săcuieni, Bihor county, Romania Conducting focus group interviews with the members of the community, observing and analyzing an ethnocultural event, observing and analyzing the Roma community in terms of labor force issues, economic strategies within the community, interethnic relations, resources and social capital in the Roma community, political mobilization; Carrying out a case study about the Roma minority from Săcuieni, Bihor, based on the empirical data gathered in the project
Romanian Institute for Research on National MinoritiesSociologist
Oct. 2013 - Dec. 2013Cluj-Napoca, Cluj, RomaniaResearch scholarship regarding multiculturalism and interculturalism in ethnically mixed cities in Transylvania, Conducting focus group interviews and stakeholder interviews to provide an empirical basis for the Multicultural Component of the Cluj-Napoca Strategy for 2013-2020; Drafting the main results together with members of the research team
Kodolányi János UniversitySociologist
Jul. 2013 - Aug. 2013Coordinating and organizing a survey and conducting interviews with local stakeholders in 5 counties in Transylvania Processing the collected data, elaborating synthesizing documents
Transilvania Summer UniversityCoordinator
Jun. 2013 - Jun. 2013Cluj-Napoca, Cluj, RomaniaCoordinating the team of sociological students in the Summer University program, coordinating research and analyzing the results regarding restoration of urban places in Cluj Napoca.
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