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Network Power<100 people
Startup Founder
Business Owner
Work Background
Founder & CEO
OneDashFounder & CEO
Nov. 2022BrasilTransformamos mais de 30 anos de expertise na área de Growth em um sistema de BI inteligente que se pluga a mais de 20 fontes de dados e traz recomendações customizadas para e-commerces e startups venderem e lucrarem mais.
Angel Investor and Strategic Growth Advisor
Urca AngelsAngel Investor and Strategic Growth Advisor
Nov. 2020Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Head of Growth (Finance Business Unit)
Escale DigitalHead of Growth (Finance Business Unit)
Nov. 2020 - Dec. 2021São Paulo, Brazil
Head of Growth (Telecom Business Unit)
Escale DigitalHead of Growth (Telecom Business Unit)
Dec. 2019 - Nov. 2020São Paulo Area, Brazil
Saga SolutionsCEO
Sep. 2018São Paulo, BrazilAjudamos e-commerces e empresas de tecnologia a crescerem criando, implementando e otimizando suas máquinas de vendas digitais. Desenvolvemos uma metodologia única que se apoia no método científico para atingir resultados inacreditáveis com alta confiabilidade e previsibilidade.
Head of Growth
Clínica SiMHead of Growth
Jan. 2017 - Sep. 2018Fortaleza Area, BrazilOversaw Marketing, Technology, Business Intellingence and Call Center. Main projects and results: - 80% growth YoY in revenues, thanks to experimentation and implementation of successful strategies to increase the number of clients and their lifetime-value; - Implemented a Business Intelligence system, based on a datawharehouse connected to the company's ERP, delivering real-time KPIs and Reports to all sectors of the organization; - Restructured the Call Center implementing a tickets management system and organized it into squads responsible for diferent demand profiles, and diferent variable compensation programs for each squad; - Lead the design, development and implementation of a new online apointments system that multiplied the number of online apointments by 4; - Lead de the design, development and implementation of CRM rules to retain clients, reducing no-show rates in 18%
Growth Manager
Clínica SiMGrowth Manager
Jan. 2016 - Jan. 2017Fortaleza Area, Brazil- Redesign and improve user experience leveraging advanced data analysis and new technologies integration - Manage and improve Call Center operations - Structure and monitor sales and quality KPIs - Develop and monitor customer acquisition campaigns and online/offline marketing KPIs such as CAC, LTV, ROI and conversion rates
Business Development Analyst
Visiona Tecnologia Espacial S.A.Business Development Analyst
Feb. 2014 - Jun. 2014São José dos Campos Area, Brazil- Build the strategic planning and technological roadmap to new satellite service lines and negotiated partnerships with global players. - Support the Brazilian Ministry of Defense and Telebras, both clients of the Brazilian Geostationary Satellite Program, in executive tasks such as satellite insurance bidding process and control centers organizational design - Coordinate the engineering team in building satellite system specifications for the Brazilian Marine Defense System (SisGaAz) RFP lead by Embraer - Represent Visiona in seminars and space fairs, generating leads and potential partnerships. - Design Visiona’s website technical, content and visual identity guidelines in cooperation with Embraer marketing team
Business Analyst
McKinsey & CompanyBusiness Analyst
Jan. 2012 - Feb. 2014Salvador Area, BrazilMore than 10 projects in different industry sectors such as Energy, Oil & Gas, Raw materials, Telecom and Packaged Goods. Projects were majorly focused in diagnostic, strategy, purchasing, organization and marketing: - PMM office of major energy distributors in Brazil - Financial modelling for a local gas distributor acquisition by an international fund - Diagnostic and Strategic Planning for a major mining company - Organizartional Design of a major brazilian cement company - Optimization of oilfields development process in Mexico - Revenues, CAPEX and OPEX 5 years projections for a Telecom company Among other internal and external projects.
Intern in Actuarial Services
Ernst & Young FranceIntern in Actuarial Services
Sep. 2010 - Jan. 2011Build actuarial reports to European mid/large size companies Optimize actuarial analisys process with automated macros in VBA.
Software project and development
GSea DesignSoftware project and development
May. 2010 - Sep. 2010Lorient Area, FranceDeveloper of a software for the deployment of finite elements studies results. (C++/CLI, C# .NET framework) The program mixes some CAD functions like the creation and design of new projects with the finite elements analysis by local-use softs. It is completely adapted for high performance sailing ships projects.
Research Assitant
UnBResearch Assitant
Jun. 2009 - Aug. 2009I helped to perform simulations on the behavior of KV1 ion channels using NAMD/VMD (Nano Molecular Dynamics/Visual Molecular Dynamics) softwares. These simulations had the aim to study of new blocking anesthetics substances and ion channels relaxation in the cell membrane.
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visual effects supervisor @ Trioscope Studios
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