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Startup Founder
Work Background
Program Director
Centrul pentru Jurnalism IndependentProgram Director
Jan. 2021Bucharest, Romania• Program Director for the Media Literacy Strategic Program. My responsibilities include coordinating projects and budget flows, maintaining the relationship with the beneficiaries and the founders, strategic programming of the program and subsequent projects. Projects under the Program's umbrella: - “I teach media literacy! - Media Education and Culture Lab”(January 2020 – December 2023), funded by the Romanian-American Foundation ( - "Teaching Media Literacy" (Nov.2021 - Oct. 2022), funded through the Active Citizens Program, SEE Grant 2014-2021 ( - "The Media Literacy Program for High School English Teachers" (Sep. 2021 - May 2022), funded by the U.S. Embassy in Romania - "Inclusive Media Literacy Curricula For Youth" (May 2021- Oct. 2023), funded by the European Union, through the Erasmus+ Program ( - "Social Media Literacy for Schools" (Nov. 2019 – Aug. 2021), funded by the European Union, through the Erasmus+ Program - "Media Literacy for ALL", funded by UNICEF Romania (Oct. 2020 – May 2021) (
Country Evaluation Consultant
TechSoup EuropeCountry Evaluation Consultant
Dec. 2020 - Mar. 2021Warsaw, Mazowieckie, PolandAnalysis and syntesis of evaluation data entry from a series of media literacy training sessions for youth, taking place in Romania.
Program Manager
Centrul pentru Jurnalism IndependentProgram Manager
Sep. 2016 - Jan. 2021Bucharest, RomaniaMedia literacy projects coordination.
Project Management Consultant
Asociația M.A.M.E.Project Management Consultant
Apr. 2014 - Feb. 2017Bucharest, Romania
Project Coordinator
The Assistance Center for NGOs - CENTRASProject Coordinator
May. 2013 - Jun. 2014Bucharest, Romania• Project Responsible – Partner – for “A participative model of elaboration of a national public policy concerning NGOs in Romania” project (May 2013 - present), implemented by the Agency for Information and Development of NGOs – AID-ONG and CENTRAS. The project is financed through the PODCA Program and aims to create a public policy which defines the relationship between the state (central administration) and the non-profit sector in Romania, using the Community Pact model. My responsibilities include implementing the project activities, along with the applicant, both organizing and conceptual aspects of them, following the correlations between the budget and the activities, planning the communication process with central authorities, public acquisitions, maintaining communication with the founder’s representative.
Member of the organizing team
The Assistance Center for NGOs - CENTRASMember of the organizing team
Oct. 2012 - Jun. 2013Bucharest, Romania and Berlin, Germany• Member of the coordinating team for the “International Judicial Conference – XVIth Edition - 2013 ”, organized by the Furth Family Foundation, with the support of International Foundation for Electoral Systems and Michigan Law School. The conference is an annual event, and has as participants judges from Supreme Courts of Justice and Constitutional Courts from all around the world. In 2013, the conference was held in Berlin. My responsibilities included maintaining relations with the hotel personnel (Hotel Palace Berlin), organizing the final reception dinner, maintaining contact with the translators and interpreters, and with the technical team, creating a promotional material for the event. The results of the conference are available here:
Information and Promotion Responsible
The Assistance Center for NGOs - CENTRASInformation and Promotion Responsible
Jul. 2010 - Mar. 2013Bucharest, Romania• Information and promotion responsible – the “Gaining Competence for Social Inclusion” project (August 2010 – March 2013). The project was financed by the European Commission through structural funds – the POSDRU Program and aimed to help people learn new professions, so that they were able to find new jobs in the work field. As part of the project, I disseminated the information about the project and on the development of the training sessions, and I kept contact with partners and beneficiaries, I directed public acquisitions procedures, I coordinated the communication events and the creation of a video material on the project’s results and the difficulties beneficiaries encounter when implementing a POSDRU project. The movie can be seen at the following link:
Project responsible
The Assistance Center for NGOs - CENTRASProject responsible
Jun. 2010 - Jun. 2012Bucharest, Romania• Project responsible for CENTRAS – the “Partnership for Development” project (July 2010 – June 2012), implemented by The Chamber of Commerce and Industry Bucharest, CENTRAS and ESAN Belgium. The project is financed by the European Commission through structural funds - the POSDRU Program and aims to create a viable dialogue between the three social partners: business representatives, local administration and non-profit sector. My responsibilities include administrative, as narrative reporting, activity reports, executive and strategic planning activities, public acquisitions, target group specific activities.
Project Coordinator
The EUROPE DIRECT Bucharest Information CenterProject Coordinator
Apr. 2009 - Dec. 2012Bucharest, Romania• Coordinator – the Information Center EUROPE DIRECT CENTRAS Bucharest (January 2009 – December 2012), which is part of the European Commission Information Network. My activity includes directly giving information to solicitors, making presentations on European subjects to specific publics, giving training sessions on European subjects to students, managing events related to European issues. During 2009-2011, we have hosted more than 50 training sessions for children, 2 meeting with business representatives and journalists, one street event for 9th of May – Europe Day. I am also co-author for two information brochures – „How to be a good European”, “European financing opportunities for small and medium enterprises”. Also, my activity consisted in strategic planning of the communication process, according to the European Commission communication priorities. The results of the Center’s activity can be accessed here:
Project Coordinator
The Assistance Center for NGOs - CENTRASProject Coordinator
Sep. 2007 - May. 2014Bucharest• Project coordinator for the „E - donations” project (, the first online donations site dedicated to nonprofit organizations in Romania. My duty is to facilitate the communication process with the nonprofit organizations members of the portal and with partners, to maintain transparency of the process, and to intermediate donations transfer of money to the beneficiaries. • Project responsible for CENTRAS – the “Institutional Development of Pro Democracy Association for 2010-2015” project (May 2011 – August 2012). As part of this project I created a practical guide for the local APD centers on management of volunteers. • Project responsible for CENTRAS – the “Take attitude” project (January – October 2010), and my role was creating the section on media communication for the “Way to integrity” brochure. • PR Coordinator for the National Forum for Nonprofit Organizations in Romania – 2009. The event took place at The Parliament Palace and had as guests Jan Sorensen – UNDP Representative in Romania. The event hosted 260 people, NGO, public administration and business representatives. • Project coordinator for “Pay it forward!”, an information campaign on the Millennium Development Goals, financed by The United Nations Development Program. The campaign has a promotional purpose, using printed and media materials, and also a training purpose, aiming to inform and educate young people through workshops and dedicated events on development education and Romania’s foreign policy. As part of the campaign, I created the campaign concept and the layout and I managed four events, of which one was at The Parliament Palace and had as guest The President of The Chamber of Deputies.
Project Assistant
The Assistance center for NGOs - CENTRASProject Assistant
Mar. 2007 - Jan. 2008-Chief editor for Atitudini newsletter - Project Assistant for &quot;MANIFEST - Young journalists for the Health of the Romanian Press&quot;, PHARE 2005 - Project Assistant for &quot;FIAT LUX - Learning Public Aquisitions Mechanisms&quot;, PAHRE 2005 - Project Assistant for the project &quot;Credit facilities for NGOs&quot;
Staff support
WYG InternationalStaff support
Jul. 2006 - Aug. 2006Staff Support for The Final Conference - Access to Education for Disadvantaged children - Roma Children
Staff support
WYG InternationalStaff support
Oct. 2005 - Dec. 2005Staff Support on the project TVET
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