The Assistance Center for NGOs - CENTRASProject Coordinator
Sep. 2007 - May. 2014Bucharest• Project coordinator for the „E - donations” project (, the first online donations site dedicated to nonprofit organizations in Romania. My duty is to facilitate the communication process with the nonprofit organizations members of the portal and with partners, to maintain transparency of the process, and to intermediate donations transfer of money to the beneficiaries. • Project responsible for CENTRAS – the “Institutional Development of Pro Democracy Association for 2010-2015” project (May 2011 – August 2012). As part of this project I created a practical guide for the local APD centers on management of volunteers.
• Project responsible for CENTRAS – the “Take attitude” project (January – October 2010), and my role was creating the section on media communication for the “Way to integrity” brochure.
• PR Coordinator for the National Forum for Nonprofit Organizations in Romania – 2009. The event took place at The Parliament Palace and had as guests Jan Sorensen – UNDP Representative in Romania. The event hosted 260 people, NGO, public administration and business representatives. • Project coordinator for “Pay it forward!”, an information campaign on the Millennium Development Goals, financed by The United Nations Development Program. The campaign has a promotional purpose, using printed and media materials, and also a training purpose, aiming to inform and educate young people through workshops and dedicated events on development education and Romania’s foreign policy. As part of the campaign, I created the campaign concept and the layout and I managed four events, of which one was at The Parliament Palace and had as guest The President of The Chamber of Deputies.