INSP, LLCTalent Acquisition Specialist II
Jan. 2023 - Oct. 2023Indian Land, South Carolina, United States- Sourced candidates for various roles such as Software Engineers, Controllers, Administrative Assistants,
Graphic Designers, Vice Presidents, Executive Officials, Network, Front-End, Back-End, and Full-Stack
Developers, HR Personnel, Accountants, and Distribution positions.
- Utilized Paylocity to maintain records of both current and former employees' personal information, payroll,benefits, and other relevant data. - Ensured new employees were properly onboarded with all required documents completed accurately.This included W-2 forms, benefits and leave requests, employee handbooks, 401K Plans, and other essential information.
- Supported the HR Director and Generalist in maintaining up-to-date personnel files for employees.
- Visited different cities to organize career fairs and community outreach events at colleges, community
centers, and churches. This initiative aimed to increase the company's visibility in newly acquired territories which increased our retention rate by 37%.