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Work Background
GESI Coordinator
Inclusive Development PartnersGESI Coordinator
Feb. 2023États-UnisBridge to Middle School Project MoE × USAID × FHI360 GENDER EQUITY AND SOCIAL INCLUSION • Provide expertise and technical coordination related to GESI in all project’s activities. • Research and analysis of inclusion and gender policies. • Analysis of qualitative and quantitative data. • Prepare and present findings and recommendations. • Support coordination on GESI priorities with internal and external stakeholders. • Conducting consultations with stakeholders. • Evaluation and reporting of the activities. • Identification of opportunities for capacity building of the project team on issues related to GESI. • Identification and mainstreaming of successful practices to promote a safe environment. • Collaborate with the Monitoring and Evaluation team to ensure that the GESI considerations are reflected in all plans and activities. • Develop and provide trainings in inclusive education, UDL, SEL and PSS in 3 languages (Ar, Fr, Eng). • Conduct comprehensive reviews of the new curricula and Teaching and Learning Materials, considering UDL principles and to ensure inclusive and accessible education to a wide range of learners. • Provide practical guidance to teachers, emphasizing the promotion of multiple ways of engaging, representing information, and enabling diverse forms of action and expression for all students. • Contribute to the examination and evaluation of student assessments through an inclusion-focused perspective. • Develop training materials and written guidance that address the implementation of reasonable accommodations and the utilization of Universal Design for Assessment (UDA) methodologies in student assessments, all while safeguarding the psychometric integrity of the tests. • Provide support during the item development workshop and the Test Administration Manual (TAM) development to ensure that UDA principles are integrated into the assessment approaches.
DEIA Specialist
ConfidentialDEIA Specialist
May. 2022 - Jan. 2023Montréal, Québec, CanadaDIVERSITY, EQUITY, INCLUSION AND ACCESSIBILITY • Assessing and analyzing organizational diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility practices • Developing and implementing DEIA strategies • Conducting training and awareness programs • Advising on recruitment and hiring practices • Facilitating employee resource groups or affinity networks • Promoting inclusive policies and practices • Conducting equity audits and impact assessments • Providing guidance on diversity metrics and reporting • Acting as a resource and consultant • Monitoring and evaluating progress
University Lecturer
Université de MontréalUniversity Lecturer
Jan. 2022 - May. 2022Sociology department • Course planning and preparation • Delivering lectures and facilitating discussions • Providing instruction and guidance • Assessing student performance • Grading and feedback • Holding office hours • Mentoring and advising students • Engaging in scholarly activities • Collaborating with colleagues • Participating in professional development • Serving on committees • Maintaining academic standards
University Lecturer
Université de MontréalUniversity Lecturer
Jan. 2021 - Apr. 2021Méthodes de travail universitaire
Teaching Assistant
Université de MontréalTeaching Assistant
Sep. 2020 - Dec. 2020
Research/ Teaching Assistant
Université de MontréalResearch/ Teaching Assistant
Jan. 2020 - May. 2020Montréal, Québec, Canada- Statistique sociale avancée - Inégalités sociales et marché du travail
Researcher, MÉDISA (Mesures, Discriminations, Santé)
Université Lumière Lyon 2Researcher, MÉDISA (Mesures, Discriminations, Santé)
Nov. 2019 - Oct. 2021Région de Lyon, France"Racial micro-aggressions and mental health at the workplace in Canada" Quebec, France, Italy Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, France • Conducting literature reviews • Developing research questions and objectives • Designing research studies • Collecting and analyzing data • Writing research proposals and securing funding • Writing research papers and reports • Collaborating with other researchers • Conducting fieldwork or data collection • Maintaining research ethics • Keeping up with developments in the field • Mentoring and supervising students • Contributing to policy and practice
Research / Teaching Assistant
Université de MontréalResearch / Teaching Assistant
Sep. 2019 - Dec. 2019Montreal, Quebec, Canada - Statistique sociale avancée - Méthodologie de travail universitaire
Teaching Assistant
Université de MontréalTeaching Assistant
May. 2019 - Aug. 2019Montréal, Québec, Canada- Introduction à la statistique sociale
University Lecturer
HEC MontréalUniversity Lecturer
May. 2019 - Aug. 2019Montreal, Quebec, Canada Français des affaires
Apr. 2019 - Oct. 2021Montreal, Quebec, Canada"Justice perceptions at the university : racialized lecturers and teaching assistants in Quebec" 2019-2024 100 000$ • Conducting literature reviews • Developing research questions and objectives • Designing research studies • Collecting and analyzing data • Writing research papers and reports • Collaborating with other researchers • Conducting fieldwork or data collection • Maintaining research ethics • Keeping up with developments in the field • Contributing to policy and practice
Teaching Assistant
Université de MontréalTeaching Assistant
Jan. 2019 - Apr. 2019Montréal, Québec, Canada- Inégalités sociales et marché du travail - Initiation à la recherche sociologique
Project Coordinator
iA Groupe financier (Industrielle Alliance)Project Coordinator
Nov. 2016 - Aug. 2018Québec, Canada
Operations Coordinator
iA Groupe financier (Industrielle Alliance)Operations Coordinator
Aug. 2015 - Nov. 2016Quebec, CanadaAdministratrice au CA du Club social
Coordination Officer
SORECCoordination Officer
Oct. 2012 - Jun. 2015Préfecture de Rabat, MoroccoCEO's Office
Coordination Officer
Millennium Challenge CorporationCoordination Officer
Apr. 2011 - Nov. 2012Préfecture de Rabat, MoroccoAgency of Partnership for Progress (CEO's Office)
Coordination Officer
Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur, de la Recherche Scientifique et de l'Innovation - MarocCoordination Officer
Oct. 2010 - Apr. 2011Préfecture de Rabat, MoroccoGeneral Inspection
Training Coordinator
Cour des comptesTraining Coordinator
Jul. 2009 - Oct. 2010Préfecture de Rabat, MoroccoGovernment Accountability Office
Web Content Coordinator
Cour des comptesWeb Content Coordinator
Mar. 2008 - Jul. 2009Préfecture de Rabat, Morocco
Coordination Officer
Cour des comptesCoordination Officer
Jun. 2005 - Mar. 2008Préfecture de Rabat, MoroccoFirst President's Office
Coordination Officer
USAIDCoordination Officer
Jan. 2005 - Jun. 2005Préfecture de Rabat, MoroccoInstitution marocaine d'appui à la micro-entreprise (INMAA)
Customer Support Advisor
Access TéléservicesCustomer Support Advisor
Jul. 2004 - Oct. 2004Préfecture de Rabat, MoroccoBouygues Télécom
Conseil de l'ordre des medecins MarocIntern
May. 2004 - Jul. 2004Préfecture de Rabat, MoroccoÉtude quantitative : "Recours juridique face aux fautes professionnelles dans la profession médicale au Maroc"
Research intern
Ministère de l'Agriculture, de la Pêche Maritime, du Développement Rural et des Eaux et ForêtsResearch intern
Jun. 2003 - Aug. 2003Préfecture de Rabat, MoroccoRevue des écrits : recherche scientifique dans le domaine agricole.
Procurement Intern
Ministère de l'Agriculture, de la Pêche Maritime, du Développement Rural et des Eaux et ForêtsProcurement Intern
Jun. 2002 - Aug. 2002Rapport des procédures du Bureau des marchés


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