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Work Background
Full Stack Developer
SalesforceFull Stack Developer
Apr. 2022
Software Engineer
USAASoftware Engineer
Nov. 2020 - Oct. 2022Plano, Texas, United StatesInvolved in all the phases of SDLC including Requirements Collection, Design & Analysis of the Customer Specifications, Development,and Customization of the Application. Used Hibernate framework in the persistence layer for mapping an object-oriented domain model to a relational database. Created data models and database structure for business entities in the MySQL database. Integrated 3rd party service REST & SOAP APIs such as payment gateway, identity, chat and calendar services. Built module for XML to JSON conversion for connecting with 3rd party SOAP APIs. Deployed the application on cloud AWS utilizing EC2, S3, RDS, SES, VPC, ELB, IAM, and other services. Bulk on-boarded 80+ services, 200+ service providers using SQL which reduced onboarding time by 90%. Responsible for writing the Design Specifications for the generic and application specific web services in Groovy grails Installed node.js and utilized the NPM with Grunt for the build. Involved in the development of presentation tier using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Angular 5 and JSP. Developed validations for forms data as well as a server-side using Angular 5 validation. Configured Swagger-UI registered Microservice with Eureka server to monitor service health check etc. from Spring Boot admin console. Built a web frontend using Spring MVC Framework with JSP, HTML, CSS, AJAX, and JavaScript. Implemented Angular 5 and AJAX for the better performance of the system and partial page rendering Hands-on experience in using Backbone.js to build a large web application with data that change over time. Involved in implementation of enterprise integration with Web Services and Legacy Systems using SOAP, and REST (Using Axis and Jersey frameworks) Involved in implementing ActiveMQ the JMS ( Java messaging service) for asynchronous communication.
React JS Developer
Cepheid Inc (XEP)React JS Developer
Feb. 2020 - Aug. 2021Designed and developed the application in sprints using Agile Scrum methodology and participated in weekly status meetings and daily scrums. Designed and developed web pages using HTML5, CSS3, AngularJS 2.0, Ajax, Bootstrap and JSP based on the W3C standards. Created Single Page Application with loading multiple views using route services and adding more user Developed responsive client-side application to integrate with server side using JavaScript, jQuery, AngularJS, Node. js , Vue . js Strong knowledge of Scala or strong knowledge of Java with desire to specialize in Scala. Good knowledge in Scala, OCaml, SML, or Haskell. Involved in integrating Spring Framework with Struts Framework. Developed Action forms, Action classes using Struts framework to handle user requests. Used AngularJS 2.0 (grid) for Grid data displays all over the application and also developed Light-box plugins using AngularJS. Core development experience for Groovy grails restful web services. Used AngularJS directives to reduce the usage of redundant code and to create pie-charts, bar-graphs and also familiar in using data-binding and dependency-injection concepts in AngularJS 2.0. Built RESTful Node.js and Express API to communicate with Angular2/4 front-end for faster data transfer. Experienced in Gitlab CI and Jenkins for CI and for End-to-End automation for all build and CD. Developed REST API for assessment indicators module and token based authentication for REST services using Spring Security. Worked on Asset Management Module in order to develop services using Restful Web services and collaborated on design spec reviews together with Business Analysts. Experience in Cross-browser compatibility testing and intellectual challenges in User Experience with Bootstrap. Involved in defining & designing the layers, components of the project using OOAD methodologies and standard J2EE patterns and guidelines.
java Full Stack developer
AT&Tjava Full Stack developer
May. 2017 - Dec. 2019San Roman,united statesInvolved in gathering requirements, deriving functional requirements and system requirements from the Business Requirements and followed Agile Scrum Methodology for software development process. Developed Rich UI applications using JavaScript, HTML, XMLBootstrap, CSS, TypeScript and Angular 6. Implement the web application using Express, Angular6.0along with HTML5, CSS3, TypeScript,jQuery, Bootstrap and other web technologies. Developed various Angular directives to help build the functionality and UI behavior using JavaScript, also developed filters and angular services. Configured IIS/Apache web server to proxy requests to WebLogic Application Server 10.x. Worked on creating Angular 6Reactiveforms to implement complex forms and performed the validations using Form Builder. Implemented a Continuous Delivery pipeline with Docker, Jenkins and GitHub and AWS AMI’s, whenever a new Github branch gets started. Jenkins, our Continuous Integration server, automatically attempts to build a new Docker container from it, The Docker container leverages Linux containers and has the AMI baked in. Implemented REST Microservices using spring boot. Generated Metrics with method level granularity and Persistence using Spring AOP and Spring Actuator. Handling messaging services using Apache Kafka. Worked with HTTP/HTTPS protocols by using angular 2/4 components to build Restful services Used spring config server for centralized configuration and Splunk for centralized logging. Used Concourse and Jenkins for Microservices deployment. Written the application-based services in Node JS and then consume them from the Angular. Defined data transfer process through asynchronous web service using REST (HTTP) Implemented RESTFUL web services using Spring Boot and consumed using spring REST services. Published Rest services for performing CRUD operations from database. Used Postman to test the API workflow tested on the JSON files.
java backend Developer
Daugherty Business Solutionsjava backend Developer
Jan. 2016 - Mar. 2017St. Louis City County, Missouri, United StatesInvolved in designing the Class diagrams, Sequence diagrams, and Use case diagrams of the project. Created System Requirement Specification document and analysed the project scope. Developed a single page, cross-device/ cross-browser web application for real-time location sharing utilizing Bootstrap, JavaScript API. Used Spring MVC for implementing web tier and developed web-based application service components and configured beans using Spring IOC. Designed and developed web-application using HTML, JSPs, CSS, and JavaScript in the Mode layer. Created Servlets for controlling the actions and Bean classes for setting and getting object data. Developed Data Access Object (DAO) classes to fetch data from Database. Wrote model classes for specific database actions, added methods to the existing DAO’s. Implemented Session tracking in the entire application. Used Web Services (SOAP) to retrieve data from client side. Worked on creating XML mappings for the project. Implemented Waterfall Methodology for the project. Used Eclipse IDE to develop the application code. Used connection pooling concept to create and delete connection objects dynamically. Used Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) API to connect to Database MYSQL. Used JMS API to notify the customers when the appointment was scheduled for customer. Implemented Change Requests that came into the project in the Maintenance phase of project. Wrote SQL scripts for changes to be implemented in Change requests as it appeared in the project. Deployed web application on Apache Tomcat by building the WAR using ANT.


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