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Work Background
Banking, Financial Services and Insurance Domain Lead
ThoughtworksBanking, Financial Services and Insurance Domain Lead
Aug. 2023Lead Consultant for the Banking and Financial Industry for LATAM, responsible for identifying trends, defining and tracking KPIs for accounts in the sector, developing consultant skills, and leading the growth strategy for the sector.
Lead Product Manager
ThoughtworksLead Product Manager
Apr. 2021 - Aug. 2023🇺🇸 Product Manager at a global technology company, where I lead a team of 20 people in consistently producing superior results. I have experience working with teams in Europe, Asia, North America, and South America, ensuring that projects are delivered on time and within budget. Launched a product on the Chinese market. I decreased the product's defect rate to less than 2%. Lead the team to develop a software improvement that made developers' builds 50% more efficient. I managed the project by identifying, analyzing, planning, and implementing actions that engage and build relationships with the client, sustaining them in the long term. I delivered the scope defined by the client, planned and ensured the established roadmap, managed expectations of both the team and the client, and managed impediments, processes, and success indicators. Adept at guiding junior professionals through strategy reviews, spearheading teams, and collaborating to ship high quality processes. 🇧🇷 Gerente de produto em uma empresa global de tecnologia, onde lidero uma equipe de 20 pessoas na produção constante de resultados superiores. Tenho experiência em trabalhar com equipes na Europa, Ásia, América do Norte e América do Sul, garantindo que os projetos sejam entregues no prazo e dentro do orçamento. Lancei um produto no mercado chinês. Reduzi a taxa de defeitos do produto para menos de 2%. Criei uma melhoria de software que tornou os builds dos desenvolvedores 50% mais eficientes. Geri o projeto identificando, analisando, planejando e implementando ações que engajam e constroem relacionamentos com o cliente, sustentando-os a longo prazo. Entreguei o escopo definido pelo cliente, planejei e garanti a rota estabelecida, gerenciei as expectativas da equipe e do cliente e gerenciei impedimentos, processos e indicadores de sucesso. Apto a orientar profissionais juniores em revisões de estratégia, liderar equipes e colaborar para o envio de processos de alta qualidade.
Lead Product Manager - Credit Card
Lojas Renner S.A.Lead Product Manager - Credit Card
Nov. 2019 - Apr. 2021🇺🇸 Developed a new product that had robust changes to the platform and app, with the goal of increasing the usability of the credit card, both for new and existing customers. The new functionality brought an increase in profit, and a decrease in cost. - Led a project to unify sales platforms and optimize all financial product processes, resulting in robust increase in sales. - Created marketing campaigns using A/B testing to encourage credit card usability based on customer consumption preferences, with considerable results vs. control group. - Led the strategy and software adaptation to frame the product within the main regulations of the Brazilian Central Bank. - Developed and delivered a training program on financial products for employees that increased product knowledge by 25% and resulted in a 10% increase in sales. - Created a new licensing for Visa and Mastercard, working closely with legal and compliance to ensure that it met all regulatory requirements. 🇧🇷 Desenvolveu novo produto com mudanças robustas na plataforma e no app, com o objetivo de aumentar a usabilidade do cartão, para novos e clientes existentes. A nova funcionalidade trouxe um aumento de lucro e uma diminuição de custos. - Liderou projeto para unificar as plataformas de vendas e otimizar todos os processos de produtos financeiros, resultando em um aumento robusto nas vendas. - Criou campanhas de marketing usando testes A/B para incentivar aumentos de uso do cartão com base nas preferências de consumo, com resultados consideráveis ​​em comparação ao grupo de controle. - Liderou a estratégia e des. de software para enquadrar o produto nas principais regulamentações do Banco Central. - Desenvolveu e implementou treinamento sobre prod. financeiros para funcionários que aumentou o conhecimento do produto em 25% e resultou em aumento de 10% nas vendas. - Criou novas licenças Visa e Mastercard, em colaboração com jurídico e compliance garantindo que atendesse todas as exigências regulatórias.
Product Owner - Credit Card
Lojas Renner S.A.Product Owner - Credit Card
May. 2017 - Nov. 2019
Financial Product Intern - Loan
Lojas Renner S.A.Financial Product Intern - Loan
Aug. 2016 - Apr. 2017Porto Alegre e Região, Brasil
Commentary Assistant
HBSCommentary Assistant
May. 2014 - Jul. 2014São Paulo e Região, BrasilI was an intern as commentary assistant working directly with the commentarists of the FIFA World Cup 2014 matches in São Paulo Arena Stadium


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