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Work Background
Software Testing Specialist
FreelanceSoftware Testing Specialist
Sep. 2017
Supervisor, Software Testing and LATAM Product Certification
Samsung ElectronicsSupervisor, Software Testing and LATAM Product Certification
Jul. 2012 - Sep. 2017Campinas Area, BrazilIn Software Testing - System Integration and System Testing Supervisor - Test Automation Framework Project Leader - People Manager - Hiring - Competence Management - Performance Management Printer, Multifunctional Devices and Printing Solutions Technical Domain - Printer and Printing Solutions Software Testing Supervisor - Printer and Printing Solutions Lab Supervisor - Printer and Printing Solutions Project Leader Laptops, Tablets and Mobile Devices Technical Domain - Laptop Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10 Applications Software Testing Supervisor - Tablet Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10 Applications Software Testing Supervisor Mobile Native Applications and Mobile Web Applications Technical Domain Mobile Solutions Technical Domain - SW Testing Supervisor In LATAM Product Certification - Supervise ANATEL Certification Process for Samsung Products - Supervise INMETRO Certification Process for Samsung Products - Supervise ABNT Colibri Certification Process for Samsung Products
Manager, Software Testing and Quality Assurance
Hewlett-PackardManager, Software Testing and Quality Assurance
Dec. 2010 - Jul. 2012Porto Alegre Area, BrazilProject Management Testing Management People Management Coaching and Mentoring Competence Management Performance Management Learning and Development Expert for R&D Disciplines Ethics and Compliance Management 3.0
Engineering Program Manager
Hewlett-PackardEngineering Program Manager
Oct. 2010 - Dec. 2010Porto Alegre Area, BrazilEnterprise Computing Lab at HP Brasil. Software Development for Enterprise Servers, Data Center Virtualization, Virtualization Management, Storage Networks, Cloud Computing
 Test Manager BT21C Call Server
Ericsson Test Manager BT21C Call Server
Jul. 2007 - Jun. 2010Kreisfreie Stadt Aachen Area, GermanyBritish Telecom 21C network AXE Call Server Test Management at Ericsson. Responsible for Test Management and Test Technical coordination of all Functional Testing Activties on Application Level for Ericsson developed BT21C Inode, aka softswitch call server.
Research and Development Consultant
VenturusResearch and Development Consultant
Jul. 2003 - Dec. 2007Campinas Area, BrazilExpert in the Software Developmnent Lifecycle from Requirement Specification through Post Sales support
Manager for CDMA Integration and Verification
Venturus Technology and Innovation CenterManager for CDMA Integration and Verification
May. 2000 - Jun. 2003Campinas Area, Brazil- Project Management - People Management - Testing management - Recruiting and Hiring - Performance Management - Strategic Planning - Software Testing Process Development Driver
Software Designer, Tester and Test Leader
VenturusSoftware Designer, Tester and Test Leader
Jul. 1994 - Apr. 2000São Paulo Area, BrazilResponsible for coding, Unit Testing, Functional Testing and also Leading Functional Test Groups within different susbsystems of Ericsson AXE system.
Product and Hardware Test Developer
EricssonProduct and Hardware Test Developer
Aug. 1982 - Jun. 1994São José dos Campos Area, BrazilResponsible for Developing Hardware Products, Test Devices and Designing Test Specifications for Hardware Products. Also responsible for the development of ISO 9000 process descriptions.
Industrial Engineering Process and Hardware Test Developer
DarumaIndustrial Engineering Process and Hardware Test Developer
Jan. 1980 - Jun. 1982Taubaté Area, BrazilResponsible for the development of product assembly process and specifications as well as the development of test devices and test routines for the production environment of telecom products.
Production Engineering Technician
DarumaProduction Engineering Technician
Jan. 1980 - Dec. 1982Taubaté Area, Brazil- Development of Hardware Testing Instructions - Development of Hardware Testing Tools - Manufacturing Process Development - Prototype Assembling and Testing
Production Assistant
Hydromation FiltersProduction Assistant
Jan. 1980 - Aug. 1980Taubaté Area, BrazilAssembly of Mechanical Equipment for Car Manufacturing Companies
Sargeant - Air Strike Artilery
Brazilian Army (Exército Brasileiro)Sargeant - Air Strike Artilery
Feb. 1979 - Dec. 1979Taubaté Area, Brazil- Artilery Group Commander
Production Assistant
Nossa Senhora da Consolação - Artistic BlacksmithingProduction Assistant
Jan. 1976 - Jan. 1979Taubaté Area, BrazilAssistant in Manufacturing of Iron Made Doors, Windows and other.
Fruit Picker in Persimmon Crops
Aniceto CropsFruit Picker in Persimmon Crops
Feb. 1972 - Dec. 1975Taubaté Area, BrazilPersimmon Fruit cropping
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