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Work Background
Senior Consultant
Ideia SustentávelSenior Consultant
Jan. 2020Development of business sustainability strategies for large companies and organizations such as Equatorial Energia, Ibitu Energia, ONS, Ultragaz, C&A, Bayer, CVC Corp, among others, considering trends, sectoral scenarios, ESG indicators and inclusion of Sustainable Development Goals in the business strategy. Conducting Materiality processes. Structuring of tools: 1) ESG diagnosis (ESG and Diversity), based on market indexes and ratings, such as Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI); Corporate Sustainability Index (B3); Sustainalytics ESG Risk Rating; MSCI ESG Rating and CDP Climate, Water and Forests Scores; and Diversity, based on the best practices of the Ethos Institute, GPTW (Great Places to Work) and ISE (Business Sustainability Index, B3); as well as 2) Materiality. Project coordination, together with associated consultants, such as Carbon Management and Sustainability Reports. Development of sustainability corporate governance policies and recommendations; conducting workshops to prepare Action Plans and train leaders and employees on the various ESG business topics.
Communication and Sustainability Specialist
Lojas Renner S.A.Communication and Sustainability Specialist
Jul. 2014 - Jun. 2018Coordinate the development of the company’s Annual Report according to international methodologies (Global Reporting Initiative and Integrated Reporting). Coordinate the process of Lojas Renner’s participation in sustainability indexes, such as B3’s Corporate Sustainability Index (ISE) and Dow Jones’ RobecoSam, and proposing improvement actions for the company’s sustainability based on the analysis of corresponding indicators. Responsible for the creation of content about Lojas Renner’s sustainability for employees, clients, market analysts and shareholders. Relationship with institutions related to the voluntary commitments of the company, such as Global Compact, UN Women and organizing content for the Pact for the Eradication of Slave Work. Coordinate the company’s internal communication, through planning, implementation and promotion of campaigns and actions in the different corporate communication vehicles and media. Responsible for coordinating the communication of Lojas Renner Institute.
Social Communication and Interaction Program Coordinator
Polar | Engineering and EnvironmentSocial Communication and Interaction Program Coordinator
Aug. 2013 - Jun. 2014Machadinho D'Oeste - RO / BrazilManage the Social Communication and Interaction Program of AHE Tabajara (Aproveitamento Hidrelétrico Tabajara), through the execution, monitoring, evaluation and monthly reporting of all communication stabilished in the work plan presented by the hiring company, Polar Environmental Intelligence, and yet to coordinate the team field activities in Machadinho D’Oeste/RO.
VIVA! Events sustainabilityOwner
May. 2013 - Jun. 2014Porto Alegre Area, BrazilTo assist the integration of sustainability principles, policies and strategies to the management of events - according to ISO20121 (Event Management Sustainability Management System), ASTM/APEX standards and GRI (Global Reporting Iniciative) - insuring the construction of a legacy, the adequate and relevant choice of resources to the generation of positive social, environmental and economic impacts resulting from the execution of events.
Apr. 2011 - Jun. 2014Francisco Beltrão - PR / BrazilOrganizational Climate consultant, working with micro and small businesses and for the Sebrae´s National Program “Negócio à Negócio” (Business to Business).
Internal Communication Consultant
Muralha AccountingInternal Communication Consultant
Dec. 2009 - Dec. 2010Francisco Beltrão - PR / BrazilStructuring of the office’s internal Strategic Communication Planning, preparation of the organizational climate survey and assisting the execution of the proposed strategies. Structuring and implementation of internal communication tools.
Communication Consultant
Southwestern Parana Regional Development AgencyCommunication Consultant
Jun. 2009 - Jun. 2011Francisco Beltrão - PR / BrazilFormulation and execution of the Agency’s Strategic Communication Plan, structuring of the Fundraising Plan, developing the institution’s website content and conducting Press Relations.
Account Executive
Embratec Good CardAccount Executive
Jan. 2008 - Jan. 2008Porto Alegre - RS / BrazilManage a pre-established client portfolio, conducting periodic visits to maintain a relationship and inform them about the use of services offered by Embratec. Create communication material directed to each client and send to the Marketing department for evaluation. Monitor the utilization of the Embratec card through reports and verify its growth in the client base. Monitor client needs and solve their requests.
University Center Coordinator and President Assistant
Thiago de Moraes Gonzaga FoundationUniversity Center Coordinator and President Assistant
Oct. 2007 - Apr. 2008Porto Alegre - RS / BrazilCoordination, planning, preparation and promotion of the Center´s integration activities with the university’s students. Idealize partnerships for the execution of the activities of the Vida Urgente Center at PUCRS, structure projects and develop reports for presentation to the directors of the Thiago de Moraes Gonzaga Foundation and the University’s Community Affairs Dean’s Office. Assist the presidency with the institution’s activities communication.
Acesso Integrated Communication ProjectsIntership
Jun. 2006 - Apr. 2007Porto Alegre - RS / BrazilExecution of clippings, customer service, preparation of releases, structuring of text content for reports. In 2006, construction of a mailing of communication vehicles in Rio Grande do Sul,for Porto Alegre’s Book Fair.
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