Ideia SustentávelSenior Consultant
Jan. 2020Development of business sustainability strategies for large companies and organizations such as Equatorial Energia, Ibitu Energia, ONS, Ultragaz, C&A, Bayer, CVC Corp, among others, considering trends, sectoral scenarios, ESG indicators and inclusion of Sustainable Development Goals in the business strategy. Conducting Materiality processes.
Structuring of tools: 1) ESG diagnosis (ESG and Diversity), based on market indexes and ratings, such as Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI); Corporate Sustainability Index (B3); Sustainalytics ESG Risk Rating; MSCI ESG Rating and CDP Climate, Water and Forests Scores; and Diversity, based on the best practices of the Ethos Institute, GPTW (Great Places to Work) and ISE (Business Sustainability Index, B3); as well as 2) Materiality.
Project coordination, together with associated consultants, such as Carbon Management and Sustainability Reports.
Development of sustainability corporate governance policies and recommendations; conducting workshops to prepare Action Plans and train leaders and employees on the various ESG business topics.