IT product developmentDigitalClouds and resilienceDigital transformationIT consultingCybersecurity

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Mary's Career Path
Chief Executive Officer
Oct. 2023 -
InDevLabChief Executive Officer
In connection with the new goals of the company, I am moving into a new role for myself as CEO of the company. The commitments I have made for the next three years are: - restructuring of the company’s internal processes - restructuring of cooperation processes with external partners - opening of new offices and representative offices in Europe, Asia and Australia - building the InDevLab comp...
Digital Internationalization Advisor
Mar. 2023 -
Ministry of Digital Transformation of UkraineDigital Internationalization Advisor
I help to organize and to export experience and products of Ministry of digital transformation of Ukraine to foreign market. I'm taking a part in organizational development and management advise, PR, product preparation to international market. The key product for promote is Platform of Registers. Platform of registers is a software complex for digital states services creation and support. No...
Chief Executive Officer
Aug. 2022 -
Servi5Chief Executive Officer
Вена, АвстрияI have been management in IT companies and products for over 10 years. My passion is building IT products that provides innovative solutions and services for modern business and for people. Now I'm managing group of companies in CyberSecurity and Software development. The goal is to scale new methodoligy and all-in-one solution for threat prevention and detection combined with exceptional res...

Mary's Posts

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