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Startup Founder
Work Background
Product Analyst
Social Discovery VenturesProduct Analyst
Apr. 2022What I did: • AB testing (from hypothesis generation to analysis and recommendations): experimented with registration flow, purchase packages, user matching algorithms, screens designs • Researches and ad-hoc queries • Dashboards (Superset) • ETL: creation of data sources (MS SQL Server) Achievements: • Metrics increased: conversion to payment by 57%, retention by 29%, net profit by 17% (by reducing operational costs) • Created set of dashboards covering key business and product metrics
Data analyst
Resume.ioData analyst
Aug. 2021 - Jan. 2022Бреда, Северный Брабант, ГолландияConducted researches: 1) usage of mobile and desktop platforms, 2) funnels visit to C1, 3) LTV prediction metrics, 4) user behaviour depending on their profile
Sep. 2020 - Apr. 2022Санкт-Петербург, РоссияKey achievements: - developed analytics system for cross-sell department (ETL, pull of researches, metrics, KPIs, Tableau reports) - conducted researches that resulted in new business processes to increase users' lifetime + developed classification model predicting a user's lifetime group - built financial and unit-economics models for launch of 6 new products Responsibilities and tasks: - conducting researches and communicating results to management team - developing and validating metrics - A/B testing (design and results analysis) - financial modeling and valuation of current and new business units - developing regression and classification models - BI and reporting in Tableau and Redash - ETL: connecting to external sources and creating new DWH tables (Python + Airflow)
Investment Analyst
Family officeInvestment Analyst
Jun. 2019 - Sep. 2021Москва, РоссияOutsource analytical services for family office: - market analysis and research: sizing, key players, forecasting - valuation of stocks and bonds: DCF, Black-Scholes, Monte-Carlo modeling, risk analysis, portfolio optimization (MPT)
Market Research Analyst
SkyengMarket Research Analyst
Dec. 2018 - Sep. 2020Санкт-Петербург, РоссияTook part in establishing market research/strategy department to consistently assess new market opportunities Key achivements as a member of the team: - provided analytical confirmation to launch new products/enter new markets - developed methodology to evaluate strategic projects - provided workshops for colleague analysts Responsibilities: - market sizing and forecasting - analysis of competitors - analysis of consumer profiles and behaviour - valuation of new business models and products
Training Institute – ARB Pro GroupAnalyst
Apr. 2018 - Jul. 2018Санкт-Петербург, РоссияCompleted strategy consulting projects for companies in education, real estate, IT and FMCG sectors. Key responsibilities: - Marketing research, sizing, analysis, trends, consumer behavior; - Building company profiles, analyzing financial position.
Marketing and Forecasting Analyst (temporary project)
D&CMarketing and Forecasting Analyst (temporary project)
Feb. 2018 - Mar. 2018Санкт-Петербург, РоссияProject for a leader jewelry chain in Saint Petersburg: - market research: sizing, consumer behavior, trends and competitors: - statistical research of indicators and modeling; - implementation of internal reporting system, selection of business metrics.
Junior Consultant
VG-ConsultingJunior Consultant
Jun. 2017 - Jan. 2018Санкт-Петербург, Россия- Strategic analysis - Financial modelling - Market researches - Reports and presentations
iBIC RussiaTranslator
Apr. 2016 - Apr. 2017Санкт-Петербург, Россия- Written translation (automotive, wood, agriculture and architecture industries) - Translation of journalistic economic, finance and legal texts
English Teacher
LingvoLifeEnglish Teacher
Sep. 2014 - Aug. 2015Вологодская область, Россия- Teaching English to children, students and adults - Preparing school students for State National Examination - Organization of events
Managment assistant
PaparazzyManagment assistant
Aug. 2012 - Sep. 2013Vologda, Russian Federation


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