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Network Power100+ people
Startup Founder
Business Owner
Investor & VC
United States
Work Background
Founder & CEO
RaiserFounder & CEO
Jul. 2022On Raiser, anyone can invest in startups. Investment platform that will allow startups not to spend months on fundraising. Raiser is built on a proprietary ad platform and allows to raise capital, investors, customers, teammates, etc. Gain recognition and fame.
Founder & CEO
Score online storesFounder & CEO
Aug. 2021Platform for online stores and retail POS systems with free promotion of their goods
Jan. 2021 - Jan. 2022Member of the startup community. Adviser
Founder & CTO
VeezyFounder & CTO
Jun. 2018 - May. 2021Veezy is the strongest advertising startup with the world's most technologically advanced ad units. And also with cool ERP&CRM, POS, Analytics, etc
Software Engineering Team Lead
KarunaSoftware Engineering Team Lead
Nov. 2015 - Jun. 2018AdTech project. – Organized the process and development of M&A from one advertising network to another – Application and database architecture development – Database migration from MySQL -> PostgreSQL, MongoDB -> PostgreSQL, etc. – Billing systems development – Optimizing server load – Team management & consulting – DevOps and DBA Team Management – Code review – Release management With optimizations, I removed half of the code, lowered the entry threshold, reduced the cost of maintenance, and halved the number of servers.
Software Engineer
KarunaSoftware Engineer
Aug. 2013 - Oct. 2015– Design and development of database schema – Integration and development of new ad formats – Working off technical debt (refactoring and optimization) – Embedding systems for identifying devices and cities – Connection of payment systems – Development of platform management modules (statistics, operational management) – Design and development of multi-threaded data processing systems, including: – Pipeline image and video processing – Payment processing, billing – Formation of the ad cache and etc.
uCoz Web ServiceDeveloper
Oct. 2011 - Aug. 2013M&A narod.ru service from Yandex to uCoz. Development of migration tools. According to Yandex, at the end of 2009, the russian segment of the Internet represented 15 million russian-language sites. And in 2013, I converted 4.5 million sites, 1.7 million of them static sites on narod.ru, and 2.8 million dynamic sites on narod2.ru, in fact - it was a third of russian segment without correction for the next 3 years. All of these sites became dynamic.
uCoz Web ServiceHelpdesk
Nov. 2009 - Oct. 2011Providing technical support to service customers


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Raiser — investment platform based on advertisement
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C-level Executive
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Art Director
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C-level ExecutiveCPO
3073 people
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