Goldsmiths, University of LondonHESA Staff Submission Project Manager
May. 2015 - Dec. 2016London, United KingdomKey responsibilities: Timely submission of HESA Staff return, to meet commit, submit and sign-off deadlines. As a minimum, to maintain data quality from 2014, but with a priority objective of enhancing data quality, especially with respect to areas designated by HESA for improvement (e.g. percentage of null values). Knowledge transfer to key internal stakeholders, in particular designated colleagues in HR; also to lead on the production of detailed procedural documentation to enable return to be produced as BAU in future. Liaising with key colleagues in the HR and Payroll system implementation team (and external consultants) to ensure that all HESA data is migrated from Pyramid to Agresso using a robust and appropriate methodology, and data is imported and updated in Agresso within a timescale which facilitates the production of the HESA Staff return for 2015. Production of a close-out report which fully documents the process for 2015, provides a clear methodology for the HESA Staff return procedure for the future, and highlights any significant risks and issues.