Harrier Information Systems (We are hiring!)Senior System Engineer
Jul. 2022 - May. 2023Nagpur, Maharashtra, IndiaStepathlon The Stepathlon approach to achieving better physical and mental health with fun, motivation, and sustainability has clients like Rajasthan Royals, Gujrat Titans, WTL (World tennis league), and many more. Implemented features using Java with MVP Architecture.
Integrated 3rd party libraries including GoogleFit, Retrofit, Picasso, and Google login.
Implement Firebase topic notification, crashlitics, google analytics, and Facebook events sdk.
Set up build process using Git, firebase app distribution, internal testing, and build submission using google play console. MyEClone MyEClone offers a simple and reliable way to upload and manage documents in one place with a secure design system. Implemented Android app using Kotlin and Jetpack compose with MVVM architecture.
Implement Backend APIs using Firebase NodeJS functions with the Firestore database.
Implement end-to-end encryption using the Base64 method.
Integrate 3rd party libraries like Google Places, and Google Drive, log in with google, etc.