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Business Owner
Work Background
Company Owner
a²metroCompany Owner
Apr. 2022Vila Velha, Espírito Santo, Brazil
Director of Metrology and Quality of Measurement
CDMEC - Centro Capixaba de Desenvolvimento Metal MecânicoDirector of Metrology and Quality of Measurement
Nov. 2020Vitória, Espírito Santo, BrazilMetrology and Quality of Measurement Management Organizing and coordinating the Group of Interest in Metrology (GIM) for the entity. Planning the GIM´s activities. In charge of disseminating the metrological culture and the control of measurement quality among associates. Participating and promoting the entity´s technological innovation initiatives.
Faculdade Vale do CricaréProfessor
Feb. 2020São Mateus, Espírito Santo, BrazilInnovation management and mentoring Professor of Innovation and Digital Transformation in the Master´s Degree Program of Science, Technology and Education; Advisor to Master´s Degree candidates.
Consulting Specialist
AGPRangelConsulting Specialist
Mar. 2019BrazilConsulting & Technology Expert | Innovation management & mentoring | Metrology and Quality of Measurement Management Engineering, Quality Control and Engineering Education. Metrology and qualification of laboratories for accreditation under ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and ISO 10012:2004; lately dealing with digital transformation for education and micro, small and medium size enterprises. Strategical Planning.
Diretor Geral / Instituto de Tecnologia da UFES (ITUFES)
Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (Oficial)Diretor Geral / Instituto de Tecnologia da UFES (ITUFES)
Jul. 2014 - Feb. 2019Vitória Area, BrazilGeneral Director of the Institute; Extensive activities to foster the triple helix relationship; Managed 30 collaborators (doctors and engineers) in their activities; Created the Lab. Análise de Bebidas do Espírito Santo (Labeves), accredited by CGCRE/Inmetro in 2016; Proposed, created and coordinated research and applied technology programs and projects under the Institute´s Administration Committee supervision; In charge of the following programs: - Inspection of imported equipment in support for the Brazilian Customs Office at VItória (APV-ES) - more than 400 technical reports; - Creation of a laboratory dedicated to the analysis of wine and beverages, in support for the Ministry of Agriculture, which became operational in 24 months; - The LABEVES´s accreditation process (ISO:IEC 17025 standard) in a three-year intense activity process which ended with the laboratory´s accreditation; - Technological modernization of public works management (maintanance and update of installations), in support for the Institute of Public Works (State Office) and the Municipal Pubic Works Secretaries in Vitória and Vila Velha - support for the maintenance and the update of State´s public buildings, including schools and health assistance centers, and in several licitation processes; - Development of equipments, products, production line organization under the request of several industries and public organisms, such as: Vale, Arcelor-Mittal, Fibria, Petrobras, Jurong Shipyards, Ornamental Rock sector, Metal-Mechanics sector; - Analyses of school and office furniture; - Technical support for foreign trade enterprises, as well as Federal and State offices and companies, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, among others; Supervised and approved procedures and the results of technical reports and notes; Appointed and supervised technical personnel in the execution of programs and projects; Created new strategies for the development of technological solutions for the industry.
Diretor Superintendente / Instituto de Tecnologia da UFES (ITUFES)
Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (Oficial)Diretor Superintendente / Instituto de Tecnologia da UFES (ITUFES)
Sep. 2002 - Jun. 2014Vitória, Espírito Santo, BrazilSuperintendent Director of the Institute; In charge of the following programs: - Inspection of imported equipment in support for the Brazilian Customs Office in VItória (APV-ES) - more than 300 technical reports; - Creation of a laboratory for the analysis of wine and beverages, in support for the Ministry of Agriculture in Vitória (ES) - laboratory became operational in 24 months; - Development of equipments, products, production line organization under the request of several industries and public organisms, such as: Vale, Arcelor-Mittal, Fibria, Petrobras, Jurong Shipyards, Ornamental Rock sector, Metal-Mechanics sector, Foreign trade enterprises, Federal and State offices, among others; - Analyses of school and office furnitures; Superved and approved procedures and results of technical reports and notes; Appointed and supervised technical personnel in the execution of programs and projects; Proposed new strategies for the development of technological solutions for the industry. Activities developed for many companies in the Foreign Commerce area as well as other engineering activities.
Professor Titular (Full Professor)
Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (Oficial)Professor Titular (Full Professor)
Jan. 1990 - Feb. 2019Vitória Area, BrazilAdmission as Assistant Professor in Jan 1990; Promoted to Adjoint Professor in 1998; Promoted to Associate Professor in 2002; Appointted to Full Professorship in 2010 by UFES Special Evaluation Committee; Experienced professional in the academy-industry relationship. Advisor to more than 20 undergraduate students in their final projects towards graduation in Mechanical Engineering; Advisor to 5 graduate students in their dissertations towards their master´s degree in Mechanical Engineering; Advisor to 8 graduate students in their dissertations towards their master´s degree in and in Dental Clinic. Innovation management & mentoring; Permanent Member of DTI´s Core Committee for the improvement of teaching and learning in the disciplines offered by the Department. Coordinator of DTI´s Scientific and Industrial Metrology Group. Lecturer on the following disciplines: - @Departamento de Tecnologia Industrial - DTI (Department of Industrial Technology) (undergraduate level): Scientific and Industrial Metrology (2018/1), Calculus for Engineers (2014-2017); - @Curso Superior de Tecnologia Mecânica - CSTM (Department of Mechanics Technology) (undergraduate level): Strength of Materials, Materials with Mechanical Engineering Applications, Applied Calculus, Solid Mechanics; - @Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica - DEM (Department of Mechanical Engineering) (undergraduate level): Finite Elements, Equipment for Material Handling and Stocking, Mechanical Engineering Project; - @Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - PPGEM (Graduate Program in Mechanical Engineering) (graduate level); Mechanics, Plate and shell theory, Finite elements, Stability of structures, Mechanical behavior of thick shells, Flexible pipe analysis, Master´s Dissertation; - @Programa de Pós-Graduação em Clínica Odontológica - PPGCO (Graduate Program in Dental Clinic) (graduate level): Dental Materials.
Diretor de Tecnologia
PROAD S.A.Diretor de Tecnologia
Nov. 1988 - Mar. 1990Innovation management & mentoring Development of innovative technological tools to support consulting activities; Mentoring in the optimization of resources; Specification of advanced technological equipment for enterprises; Technical support for the development of financial projects for new and expanding industries.
Teaching Assistant
University of MichiganTeaching Assistant
Sep. 1984 - Dec. 1984Ann Arbor, Michigan, United StatesWorked as teaching assistant for the Department of Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering in the discipline Theory of Elasticity taught by Prf. James Barber.
Senior Researcher
Centro Tecnológico Aeroespacial - Instituto de Estudos Avançados (IEAv/CTA)Senior Researcher
Jan. 1980 - Dec. 1988São José dos Campos Area, BrazilIdentification of advanced technological equipment to be applied the brazilian space program projects; Chief coordination of the structural group developing an experimental small liquid metal fast breeding reactor; Coordination of a project to develop an experimental radioisotope thermoelectric generator for aerospace application.
Associate Researcher
Centro Tecnológico Aeroespacial - Instituto de Atividades Espaciais (IAE/CTA)Associate Researcher
Feb. 1978 - Jul. 1980São José dos Campos, São Paulo, BrazilDevelopment of new design techniques to analyze structural engineering solutions for rocket engines (stress distribution in the engine shell) and structural parts (fin, neutral gas tank, nose) for space vehicles in the Brazilian Space Program: Sonda III, Sonda IV rockets.
Structural Engineer
EmbraerStructural Engineer
Mar. 1977 - Dec. 1977São José dos Campos, São Paulo, BrazilDevelopment of engineering solutions of aeronautical structures; Structural calculations of airplane components to comply with FAA Part 23 for the Bandeirantes; Support for lab essays of airplane component to verify compliance with FAA Part 23.
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