Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (Oficial)Diretor Geral / Instituto de Tecnologia da UFES (ITUFES)
Jul. 2014 - Feb. 2019Vitória Area, BrazilGeneral Director of the Institute;
Extensive activities to foster the triple helix relationship;
Managed 30 collaborators (doctors and engineers) in their activities;
Created the Lab. Análise de Bebidas do Espírito Santo (Labeves), accredited by CGCRE/Inmetro in 2016;
Proposed, created and coordinated research and applied technology programs and projects under the Institute´s Administration Committee supervision;
In charge of the following programs:
- Inspection of imported equipment in support for the Brazilian Customs Office at VItória (APV-ES) - more than 400 technical reports;
- Creation of a laboratory dedicated to the analysis of wine and beverages, in support for the Ministry of Agriculture, which became operational in 24 months;
- The LABEVES´s accreditation process (ISO:IEC 17025 standard) in a three-year intense activity process which ended with the laboratory´s accreditation;
- Technological modernization of public works management (maintanance and update of installations), in support for the Institute of Public Works (State Office) and the Municipal Pubic Works Secretaries in Vitória and Vila Velha - support for the maintenance and the update of State´s public buildings, including schools and health assistance centers, and in several licitation processes;
- Development of equipments, products, production line organization under the request of several industries and public organisms, such as: Vale, Arcelor-Mittal, Fibria, Petrobras, Jurong Shipyards, Ornamental Rock sector, Metal-Mechanics sector;
- Analyses of school and office furniture;
- Technical support for foreign trade enterprises, as well as Federal and State offices and companies, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, among others;
Supervised and approved procedures and the results of technical reports and notes;
Appointed and supervised technical personnel in the execution of programs and projects; Created new strategies for the development of technological solutions for the industry.