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Work Background
Head of Frontend Development
AuroraHead of Frontend Development
Jun. 2021 - Dec. 2022Brno, South Moravia, CzechiaAs a Head of Frontend Development I was responsible for every JS or TS based project as well as for the developers working on those projects. That is why I can say that this role consisted from three parts. Firstly it was a role of a manager, secondly it was a role of a software architect and thirdly it was a role of a developer. The manager role included common parts as making 1:1s with developers, leading the developers from different E2E teams and setting their goals during they path of growth, leading the interviews, etc. I eas also getting up with new ideas how to tune our development processes, optimise the development flow or reduce the unnecessary time consuming activities, e.g. meetings or so. While I was taking care of our developers I was also there to make technical decisions and improve the architecture of our products. This included supporting the developers with advices and with custom CLI tools to ease up their work. The technical part of this role consisted from creating the code standards, taking care about the code quality, reducing the code duplications between teams and implementing the tools which took care of the listed standards. Besides that I helped define and set up the automated tests and created the base processes. As we had more teams working on different projects I was the one who took care about the consistency of the codebase between those projects. The last part of this role was the development. I was preparing some CLI tools and also developing some POCs for features which were technically more complex. Tools and libraries we were using: - Typescript - React, create-react-app, custom CLI tool - Redux, redux-thunk, redux-saga - storybook - Formik - NodeJS, Express - Docker - Webpack, Babel - Enzyme, Jest, Cypress - Graphql - Eslint, Prettier, semantic release, husky - JSS, material-ui - Lerna - Gitlab CI
Software Consultant
Currys plcSoftware Consultant
Jun. 2021 - Dec. 2021
Software Consultant & Senior developer
Currys plcSoftware Consultant & Senior developer
Feb. 2020 - May. 2021Brno, South Moravia, CzechiaWe were building the next generation of frontend in the company. Worked on a platform which provided a composable frontend elements to content managers. This consisted from different frontend and backend applications written in typescript. As the company was moving to microfrontends architecture my primary focus was on creating the tooling around it. This consisted from creating the container application, the library which was similar to NextJS but supported microfontends, wrote webpack plugins, modified the webpack runtime and so on. Last but not least I was included into setting the coding standards (created a library for that), made consultations about the architecture of microfrontends and helped every team to fight with legacy applications by implementing the toolset I created. Tools we used: - NestJs - ExpressJs - GrapQL - React - NextJs - styled-components - storybook - webpack, babel - OracleDB - Jest - Eslint, Prettier - Docker, Poratiner, Docker swarm - Gitlab CI/CD - Jira, MS teams, Confluence etc.
Founder & Technical Director
Techmates International s.r.o.Founder & Technical Director
Sep. 2019Brno, South Moravia, CzechiaAs the Founder and Technical Director of Techmates, I am responsible for driving the overall strategy and vision of the company. I work closely with the leadership team to ensure that everybody is aligned with the company's goals, and I provide guidance and direction to the team as needed. We focus on building long term partnerships with our clients, and our expertise lies in utilizing React.js and Node.js to deliver top-quality technical solutions. In this role, I am responsible for overseeing the financial performance of the company, including managing budgets and identifying opportunities for growth. I also work to establish strong relationships with clients and partners, and I am involved in the sales and business development process. As a Technical Director, I have a strong understanding of the latest technologies and trends in the industry, and I use this knowledge to inform the direction of the company. I am also responsible for staying up-to-date with industry best practices and ensuring that Techmates is at the forefront of technological innovation. Overall, my role as the Founder and Technical Director of Techmates involves leading the company towards success through strategic planning, strong leadership, and a deep understanding of the industry.
Software Architect - Javascript/Typescript
NotinoSoftware Architect - Javascript/Typescript
Jan. 2019 - Jun. 2021District Brno-City, Czech RepublicMy responsibility was to create standards across all applications which were developed in javascript/typescript, mostly using React and NodeJS (internal administration systems, financial system, e-commerce platform etc.). This included managing the configurations, the architecture, setting the code conventions, the best practices, choosing the proper toolset/technology etc. My primary focus was on e-commerce platform where we already used server-side rendered React, Apollo server and client for GraphQL query resolution, loadable-components, styled-components, typescript, etc. Except that, we were developing a UI library for e-commerce platform as well as for all internal systems using styled-components and storybook following the react atomic design. I also developed a library with CLI interface which was similar to react-scripts from create-react-app, but it was more flexible and more configurable. Except that I was drivig the transition from monolithic architecture to microfrontends architecture. This included designing the new architecture, figuring out the least painful transition plan and developing the critical parts. These parts were the shared libraries resolution on frontend side to decrease the code duplication, the layout application which glued together the different fragments and setting up the environment for easier development which included server side rendering. This also included a little coding in C#. Other tools: - NodeJS - Redis - Express - Docker - Webpack and Rollup - Babel - Typescript - Enzyme and Jest - UI state management by Apollo clients cache - TsLint, Eslint, Prettier - styled-components, ant design, final form - JWT token, passport - Gitlab, git flow - TargetProcess for tickets - Confluence as a wiki - Skype, MS teams for communication
Front-end Architekt - Javascript
SimplityFront-end Architekt - Javascript
Dec. 2018 - Dec. 2018Okres Brno-město, Česká republikaWorked on the project Accurity, which includes applications for all parts of Business Information Modeling. My responsibility was to analyze the front-end part of Glossary, Reference, and Quality applications, as well as create a plan for refactoring. I was cooperating with javascript/typescript developers and team leaders from Romania and Serbia. All the projects were written in React. The analysis included: - the actual status of UI packages (code separation) - code quality and architecture of the applications themselves - used third-party libraries The output included: - detailed steps of refactoring - estimation of the refactoring - the architecture of UI packages - the architecture of UI code base - suggested technologies and best practices Technologies, libraries, and tools which were used: - javascript and typescript - for store management, there was redux and flux - for side effects redux-thunk and redux-saga - for API requests axios by using graphQL - some of the UI libraries as material-ui - linting with tslint and eslint - webpack for bundling, babel for transpiling - jest, sinon, enzyme for testing - less for styling - skype, MS teams for communicating - redmine as an issue tracker and wiki
Front-end team leader - Javascript
SimplityFront-end team leader - Javascript
Oct. 2018 - Nov. 2018BrnoWorked on the application called George+ Connect. It was a project for Erste, where third parties can register their own plugins to extend George internet banking user interface. We were 4 people in the UI team. My responsibility was to coordinate this team, checking the code quality, teach the juniors, create a new architecture to follow the best practices and also prepare the application for integration with Erste Developer Portal. This product was written in React. We used Scrum with two weeks sprints. Other tools: - for building, there was Webpack with Babel (react-scripts) - testing with Enzyme, Jest and Sinon - UI state management by Redux - handling asynchronous side effects with redux-thunk - linting with Eslint - less for styles - Git command line interface and Gitlab for code reviews - Redmine and Jira for tickets - Skype, MS teams and Slack for communication
Senior Javascript/Typescript Developer
Positive TechnologiesSenior Javascript/Typescript Developer
Mar. 2017 - Nov. 2018Okres Brno-město, Česká republikaWorked on a new product called SS7 attack discovery. The product was written in AngularJS using TypeScript. We were also using library ng-redux, which is a Redux provider for AngularJS. Other tools: - for bundling, there was Webpack with Babel - task runner Grunt - test runner Karma, framework Jasmine, also google headless - there were mocks written in SailsJS - library redux-observer for subscribing to store changes - middleware redux-thunk for asynchronous side effects - angulars ng-translate for localization - less for styles - husky for git hooks - eslint and tslint for code styling - Youtrack for tickets - Mattermost and Skype for communication - Confluence as wiki for user stories and documentation - Teamcity for continues integration - Git command line interface and Gitlab for code reviews
Javascript Developer
Seznam.czJavascript Developer
Jan. 2016 - Feb. 2017BrnoWorked on the user interface of an advertisement system called Sklik. Used libraries/frameworks on frontend were AngularJS and React. There was a middleware for validating data, modifying structures and communicating with backend written in NodeJS. Other tools: - task runner Gulp - bundling, dev server, transpiling etc. - transpiling newer ECMA script with Babel - less for styles - eslint for code styling - test runner Karma, headless browser PhantomJS, frameworks/libraries Enzyme, Sinon, Chai - for frontend API framework Koa, also koa-router, koa-bodyparser - written decorators and also library autobind-decorator - Youtrack for tickets - Mattermost for communication - Git command line interface and Gitlab for code reviews
Fullstack developer
MEDICOLUX EUROPE s.r.o.Fullstack developer
Jun. 2015 - Dec. 2015BrnoFirst three months I was modifying and optimizing internal system and web pages of the company. Using framework Nette and pure javascript with jQuery. After that, the company started a new project where we used AngularJS on frontend and Nette on the backend.
PHP developer
NetWings, s.r.o.PHP developer
Sep. 2011 - Jun. 2015BrnoCreated, modified and optimized e-shops and simple web pages. I used an internal framework, which I edited and upgraded.
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