DatacomTechnical Engineer
Dec. 2019 - Mar. 2020Malaysia• Provided proactive and reactive support services to maintain the availability,reliability & security of client's core infrastructure.
• Implemented patches, updates, and fixes and ensure replications and DR functionality were maintained.
• Administered resources, access, connectivity, and configurations.
• Interact with vendors to procure hardware and software, manage vendor relationships, and stay informed about the latest technological advancements.
• To perform remote troubleshooting of Odin Application Management product in client’s hosting *(Saas).
• Consistently ensure all open tickets managed and support within SLA (Jira).
• Managed domain registrations and billing operations.
• Hands-on experience in Jenkins, Shell scripting, Power shell and Python.
• Strong knowledge in Linux distributions (Dockers/Containers).
• Troubleshoot errors related to SQL database (SQL, Postgresql, & MariaDB).
• Strong knowledge in Networking concepts (DNS & DHCP), Web servers, Apache & IIS.